Mouthbreathers... they make me insane. I have to be on lots of conference calls and there is almost always a mouthbreather. I'm usually the one who loses it and yells, "Hey mouthbreather! Back up off the phone!!" That just grosses me out.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We have 2 kerosene heaters in our house. We run one in the morning while we're getting ready. When I'm done getting ready i open the blinds and shut off the heater. it's a routine. yet every morning I'm standing outside in the cold as my husband asks me in a panicky voice "Did you shut off the heater?" It's so getting on my nerves! Am I incompetent?
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Aww, Thanks Fuzzy! I have a baseball bat in the corner next to the bed too! My wife says its a bad idea because I will jump out of bed sometimes before I'm truly awake. I think she's afraid of me putting a hole thru the wall.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I hate it when my husband asks me questions he already knows the answer to. For instance, I wake up & I'm still in bed. He asks me, "Have you already started the washer?" Um...I'm still in bed. Unless the washer can pick up & come to me, no, I did not start the washer. I just get home from work, "Did you flip the loads? (clothes from the washer moved to the dryer, more clothes put in the washer}." Did you see me walk to the laundry room? I tell him that it drives me crazy...he does it anyway.
That's gotta be a husband thing. I swear my hubby married me just to drive me nuts. For example, he'll be looking for something, I'll ask him what he's looking for, and he won't tell me! If I finally get him to tell me, I usually point out exactly where it is!
I can be looking though a stack of papers. She'll ask "what are you looking for?" I'll tell her and she'll grab the papers from me, find it and hand it to me. "There! It's right there!". I knew where it was, I just hadn't gotten to it yet.
Don't get me wrong. I have a great husband. It's just that his mission in life is to make me crazy. I'm sure that he can't stand stuff that I do. He's just not here to complain.