We've still got over one third of the month to go and we are right on the cusp of breaking EVERY posting record we've ever had!
We're just short of most NEW MEMBER SIGNUPS (I'll put a real push on this next week during the morning show)
Again, we're JUST short of the most monthly page views EVER, and another note on this subject. I mentioned that we were on pace to hit ONE MILLION page views by mid-March, but it has become obvious our pace is must faster right now than I thought it was, we should hit that mark in mid February!
Finally, we're right on the edge of a new record for posts in a month, here's the chart on that one too...
I'll repost the final charts once the month is over, but clearly we're having more success than ever on the forum.
Thanks to all the long time posters, and a SPECIAL thanks to the newest members that have helped spark some new conversations!