Well, I never thought I would see the day, but here is my 1000th post. I still have no idea what to call myself, but we'll come up with that later. Let the party begin! Now I have another reason to order double shots of tequila.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
We have to try to think of a title that incorporates something about you or something you love. Hmmm.
Well, in the meantime let me just say it has TRULY been a pleasure getting to know you.
As this forum has grown people have signed up, been posting nuts for a month and then disappeared forever.
I've always known, that even though you may go through a stretch where we don't see you for weeks, even months, you will eventually return to play for awhile like you have this weekend.
As one of the VERY first forum members with Mo, you were instrumental in making this forum what it is today, and for that you will always be considered a Freeze-Frame Alumni, and will have a very prominent place in the Freeze-Frame Hall Of Fame!
woo hoo trish....1000 posts..... way to go fellow board starter....one of these days I'll get my lazy butt moving.....That Men only thread may have some incentive....
Ahhhh, yes. I remember the first days of posting oh, so long ago. The days of posting and listening to FFR any time that I wanted to. To sit and chuckle at my desk over something funny that JR, JD or Mo said and quickly type a reply. To request songs until I hit the max limit and when they played I felt a little like a DJ, which was a rush. That was, until "the man" came down on me. Restriced my internet access to breaks and lunch and took away my beloved FFR. Bastards.
I will always come back here. This is like family. I can speak my mind here and no one thinks I'm crazy (or at least doesn't say it very loudly ). You are all awesome and I have truly loved every minute that I have spent here.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
So Trish did you go out last night and tie one on? Let your hair down. Throw caution to the wind. Git lit up like a Christmas tree. Generally just have a good time?