I had the strangest dream last night that a family of four was going to be staying on the second floor of my house for a week. I rent, and the second floor is mostly my landlady's apartment, except for the one room I have (she sectioned off the house kind of odd, so I have a real nice staircase in the living room that just leads to one room on the second floor).
So anyway, this family arrives and it's Chevy Chase, some woman that's his wife, and two bratty kids that won't shut up.
I take Chevy on a tour of the upstairs (which in the dream is HUGE and dirty, and haunted) and I'm telling him that EVERYTHING HE NEEDS IS UP THERE so there's no need for him or any of his family to ever come down by my place (my place is nice and modern, his place has been boarded up because it's haunted so the appliances are disgusting and old. And for some reason as you walk the halls there's fridges and stoves and stuff all over the place).
We get to one room where this weird mold is growing superfast and I think "aw crap, he's gonna know it's haunted and want to have his annoying family stay by me", but his wife acts like it's no big deal and she puts this box in front of the growing mold until the whole box is covered and she's like "oh, cool" acting like it's arts and crafts or something.
With this I shake my head and walk off and suddenly my landlady is walking with me, we've left Chevy & his family behind.
I'm telling my landlady I don't know how she can live up here with it being haunted, because it would freak me out. She just says she feels very comfortable up there and enjoys seeing the forms and hearing the sounds that appear.
Then it occurs to me that there's no reason the Chase family should be staying there if my landlady is still there, but when I look back to her she's gone.
The point being, my land lady apparantly IS the ghost!
Of course, the dream was much more detailed than that, and the creepiness is always in the details, but still, kinda spooky.
I always think it's neat how dreams have enough reality in them that when you wake up you're kind of thinking it was real and yet fake.
Last night in my dreams , there were these horse drawn carts , and it was snowing. The carts kept swirling around me as I tried to figure out there meaning. Then it came to me.