This day has just not started off right. I usually get up at 5:30. Today I woke up at 7. So I'm running around like a crazy person all morning. Fortunately I made the carpool (with my daughter...thank you broken toe) in time. We almost get to work & I realized that I forgot my meds & my ID badge. No big. I can take my meds when I get home & my daughter let me in the back door. Yes, I now have fugitive status at work. Great. I get to my desk (right across from the boss) & realize that I forgot my laptop. Any idea how embarrassing that is??? I think maybe it's in the car. I call my daughter. Now she's angry that she has to go back to the car & check. Nope. No laptop. She starts laughing at me. I tell my boss I have to go home & get my laptop. Everyone around starts laughing. I'm such a joke. I put my coat on & realize...I didn't bring my keys. I start hoofing it over to my daughter's building. I called her and asked if she could bring her keys to me. (remember, I have no badge so I can't go get them...I'm still a fugitive) She brings them to me at her back door. She reminds me that she has no house key so hopefully one of the doors is unlocked. She then smiled & said, "I think one of the back windows is open. Good luck." I start walking to the parking garage. I realize I don't know where she parked. I called her. She's laughing but she tells me anyway. I drive home. The front door is locked, but fortunately the back door isn't. I get everything & get back in record time. When I get back, the boss comes over & gives me another project. I've got 2 others pending. I just got a 4th in email. AND NOW LIVE365 ISN'T WORKING.
Sorry to hear you're having such a trying day. It's good you can see the humor in all of it! You should write it down to remember and a year from now read it. That would be interesting!
Always smile ~ it makes everyone wonder what you're up to.
I have a little sister who is 11 1/2 years younger than me. When I was still working at home, my parents left for work earlier than I did, so I would drop her off at day care on my way to work. One day, while headed out the front door, I closed the locked door just in time to realize that my keys were on the table next to the door. I thought I was lucky I had a really old car at the time, and perhaps maybe I could hotwire it to get it going to get to my boyfriend's house who had a spare set of my keys. Nope, I had locked the car too.
I checked all the windows, and they were all locked. The only way in was an unlocked window on the second floor. And the garage where the ladder is was also locked. So we walked over to a neighbor's house to see if we could borrow their ladder, but they had already left for work.
The day care was only a few blocks away, so I walked my sister there and used their phone to call a cab to take me to my boyfriend's house to get my keys (he doesn't drive) and go back to my house so I can unlock my door to get my keys to drive my car to work and then to class.
So I go back home and wait on my front steps for an hour, and the cab never comes. The guy at the hardware store was an aquiantance of mine (and I think he had the hots for me), so I walked there to see if I could borrow a ladder. Wouldn'tyaknow, they were out of stock on any ladder tall enough.
So I used their phone to call the cab company again, and another hour later they showed up, I got my keys, had the cab take me back home, got into my house, got my keys, and made it into work, 3 hours late!