Hey Somechick, you and the fiance aren't in the market for a yellow lab puppy are you?
One of the stops on my route asked if I wanted a free puppy or puppies. Their dog had eight puppies and they're talking about having them put to sleep if they can't get rid of them
I can't take another dog right now, but it breaks my heart to think of those dogs being put to sleep.
About the lab puppoes- there are usually lab rescues around. Maayb eit is just here, but besides the normal animal shelters, they have specialized ones for certain breeds- Lab definitely being one of them. Check on line or call you local SPCA to find out.
On the six more weeks of winter, I will take just one week, we have not even had that yet!
I'd LOVE to take one of those puppies, but the old apartment building doesn't allow it, and with the impending wedding, our plans to buy a house are a year out.
Yeah, I don't think a shelter would have a hard time giving some lab puppies away, they should at least try that route! I love lab puppies, I think they're the cutest!!! Unfortunately, my cats wouldn't, and I don't know how long the puppy would survive...
bring on the winter for us here in the desert, it just means more days of 77 degree weather with clear skies and clear shots to the green. (when I said shots you thought I was talking about JD)
you know, I feel safe now that groundhog saw its shadow. I won't be the jinx. a little more winter weather might be nice. Tonight is 36 and dark, much like today. a little friday night snowfall like 2 weeks ago would be ok with me. turn off the lights and open up the blinds with a bottle of wine cracked open- let it snow, man. Nature is the best tv.
OR I suppose the alternative of 55-60 degrees would be even more desireable....go outside with that wine....
right now the weather is just booooring......
Speaking of weather did you see tornadoes hit new orleans today? man o man!!
Oh an New Orleans native Aaron Nevil said he'd love to go back home, but the air is still so bad that it would trigger his asthma.....
-- Edited by JD The Jazz Doctor at 20:54, 2006-02-02
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09