Police Arrest 11-Year-Old in Robbery Case By Associated Press
OMAHA, Neb. - Omaha police have arrested an 11-year-old boy as a robbery suspect. The boy, already sought on suspicion of burglary, and a 15-year-old companion were armed with BB guns.
A woman and a teenage girl told police that two boys had fired BBs at their upstairs apartment windows about 7:40 p.m. Sunday.
The boys then forced their way inside the apartment, pointed the BB guns at the woman and the girl and stole tools and compact discs, a police report said.
Shortly afterward the boys were spotted in the area and arrested.
Officer Chris LeGrow, a spokesman for the Omaha Police Department, said Tuesday that he didn't know whether the boy was the youngest armed robbery suspect ever arrested by his department.
But he recalled once having to lift a burglary suspect up to a counter so the boy could sign a police form. LeGrow didn't recall the boy's age.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
-- Edited by woo_hoo22 at 09:37, 2006-02-08
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
That is very sad. Believable though, but in Nebraska! That is surprising to me. I hope they throw the book at him. He is old enough to know better, because he is obviously old enough to plan it out.
2 kids running around an apartment complex shooting windows and no one trys to stop them ? or call the cops ? then they " force " their way into a second story apt.? What ? the lock don't work ? and where were the nieghbors during all this commotion ?
Hang on a sec I think it's coming to me now , Would that "apartment complex " be labeled diferently in another state ? like maybe called "the projects "?
I can see the 11 and 15 overpowering the women though. Even if I knew it was a bb gun, the boy (my boy) has/had friends at 11 that could overpower with me their strength/size. Hopefully I might could try to talk them out of something- like take what you want and get without hurting anyone, but I would believe that an 11 and 15 year old could over power me. And yes in the projects they ignore the sounds of crime and cries for help in order to protect their living situation and their lives