Good Morning America, one good thing that has come from a FFR free morning, is that I went and got the KT Tunstall Album from the shops and it's great, I will send some more track over to JR to add to the playlist.
I've resorted to another station but keep checking. It's not quite the same but at least it's not silent. And I do have some CD's with me today I could listen to .............. But it's still not the same.
Always smile ~ it makes everyone wonder what you're up to.
Being tuneless is tough. I have just turned on the MP3 player for now. I hope JR is feeling better today and may stop by or it may be a while before we are reconnected.
I will check the forum for good news later. Hopefully there will be a new thread saying we are up and running.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.