I am going to cut and paste what I found on another board.... this is SCARY
This is from an insider who has been on the inside of Geri Halliwell's top secret recording sessions for her new album, tentatively titled "Classical Geraldine".
I can't say that Ms. Halliwell is "the minx" when it comes to classical training but she has a natural and hardworking gift. She possesses a faultless dedication to her craft that I can truly appreciate. This CD is a upcoming release.
In this CD, it is her amazing vocal control and most especially, her need not to BOMBAST the listener with musical ploys that is to be commended. She has selected classic pieces and a variety of composers to lull us to another place. Some of her selections work better than others, but her musical choices are always amazing. well done and musically subtle.
If you have a little child that needs soothing or if you need quiet, calming music sung from a very carefully studied songbook, you will enjoy this timeless musical massage.
As someone who is also a fan of classical music (as well as pop music), I was familiar with all of Ms. Halliwell's choices. Although no Price or Sills, she still pulls it off with style through thoughtful phrasing and vocal reserve. My favorites are Après un rêve, Op. 7/1 by Faure and In Trutina, from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff. Finally, whatever she lacked in classical training, she more than made up for in interpretation and complete understanding of the text. So lovely. Brava!
I must give Ms. Halliwell credit...she took on something she had no experience doing and made it work in her special way. She is no small egoist and a perfectionist, and publicly not endearing or warm to many of us. However, she has that true storyteller's talent and understands, even in Latin, how to tell her story.
Ms. Halliwell didn't sit on her laurels and continue to churn out mindless pop warhorses in an attempt to play it safe. Instead, like a true artist, she challenged her abilities. Her reward, and ours as well, is this absolutely gorgeous CD. Her voice, at a level of near perfection, glides effortlessly across each tender note of these well picked gems. If anyone ever doubted man's reason for existence, please, do yourself a favor and buy this CD. You will be inspired for a lifetime.
Classical Geraldine is expected to hit record shops in the UK and mainland Europe this coming fall, so be on the look out!"