Just to let you know that I will be off of work this Thursday & Friday. I will also be off of work on Monday & Wednesday of the following week. I have to go in on Tuesday due to a stupid training in the afternoon. This is all time off to help hubby after his knee surgery. I most likely will get on the forum but I'm not sure when or how often, so I'm putting my time-off request in-trying to go through the proper channels here.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Woo - you only have my permission because you asked in advance and so nicely too.
Now I have to ask the same - I was just informed I have to go to an on-site activity tomorrow morning. May I please come in later when we're finished? If I don't have too much to catch up on??(at work that is - not here)
Always smile ~ it makes everyone wonder what you're up to.