Howard Stern is angry more fans haven't followed him to satellite radio. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the 52-year-old shock jock lashes out at those of his fan base who haven't made the transition to Sirius Satellite Radio.
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In January, Stern moved his popular and bawdy morning show to the subscription satellite radio provider.
"I was just at my psychiatrist and I said, `I just got great news: We hit the 4 million mark. And I'm angry. It should be 20 million,'" Stern says in the magazine, on newsstands Monday.
"It's insulting to me that everyone hasn't come with me. I take it personally," he says.
"I want to say to my audience ... `You haven't come with me yet? How dare you? We're up to wild, crazy stuff, the show has never sounded better. You cheap bastard!'"
In February, CBS Radio, formerly known as Infinity Broadcasting, filed a lawsuit against Stern for improperly using airtime to promote his new show on Sirius.
Morning all. Spring is here, and my allergies have started. I didn't drink last night, but woke up this morning feeling like my head was stuffed with cotton. I took a Claritin and am feeling better now, so now it's time to start my own maintenance: Go to the Y, do grocery shopping, refrain from running over the people who feel the need to take up the whole aisle, sweep and mop the kitchen floor, clean the bathrooms, etc.
Hey, don't be fooled. Howard is doing just fine on satellite. They knew he'd only have a fraction of the audience, the difference is now it's a PAYING audience.
I think they're just starting to beat this "we're not seeing the success we hoped for" drum as a strategy against this CBS lawsuit that alleges Stern used his radio show on their network to plug his satellite deal, thus making him even richer.
Everything I've heard and read until a week ago was that Siruis had seen HUGE gains since the announcement of Stern joining their lineup.
ya , I guess going from 4 to 5 listeners would be considered "huge " to some people lol.
what the heck else are they gonna say ? sounds like Enron's director of public bs has found another job.
I see Howard and paying like this - If Pamala Lee wants to come over and dance naked on my dinning room table I'd probbly watch , but I sure as heck wouldn't pay her to do it.
she made a movie a while back , it's called Barb Wire. The 1st 5 min.s are sortta OK ( she's "dancing " in a club , after that it was kinda a waste of film.