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Post Info TOPIC: Collections?

Waiting To Be Widowed

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Does anyone besides me collect weird things?

I have a collection that started out as a joke and it's gotten totally out of control.  My friend, Matt, went on vacation.  When he came back he brought our friend, Scott, one of those souvenir spoons as a joke.  A bunch of us got to talking about it & thought it would be absolutely hysterical if we ALL had some hideous souvenir collection.  So the assignments were made.  I was named the Thimble Queen.  I'm not sure why I got thimbles.  I don't sew. Could be that ashtrays, bells, spoons, shot glasses, salt & pepper shakers & magnets were already taken.  Anyway, every time someone traveled, we came back with a boatload of cheesy souvenirs for the gang. 

I have over 100 thimbles.  I have a pewter smiling Shamu thimble from Sea World, a pewter thimble with Mickey Mouse ears from Disney World, a wooden thimble painted like a watermelon, one with Elvis on it from Graceland & a bone china one with a picture of the Queen on it from England.  I got the King & Queen ones from Matt.  You gotta love a guy that goes to Graceland & England in the same vacation. 

Anyway...what weird things do you collect?



Phat Cat EL Presidente


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I collect steering wheel spinners, (also called suicide knobs, necker knobs, or Brody Knobs) also old glass license plate reflectors, knives and have a collection of MAD magazines from childhood.

Image Hosting by Vendio I'm kind of a nostalgia buff.

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Grand Poobah


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Its not weird, but outdated- I collect record albums. Most I have received as gifts. Gimme vinyl anyday- I have the complete Police, U2 catalog (up to the point that they still released albums on vinyl). That hiss and pop of albums is nostalgic! Reminds me of listening to them when they were new.

John Coltrane's A Love Supreme NEEDS to be heard on vinyl. Its part of the rhythm during the quiet parts. And oh, if its raining outside and you can hear it on your window........perfect.      

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Good Witch Of The South


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Wait are you ready for this- Wizard of Oz stuff! I have two curios slammed pack full of stuff and a wall full of plates. It is actually quite an expensive collection. We also collected shotglasses, but I need to mail them to Thump cause when we moved we never unpacked them.

I also think I collect loser men!


Permanent State of Confusion

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80's Rock Chick

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Pambo wrote:

  I'm not sure why I got thimbles.  I don't sew.

Better than being named the Corvette Queen.  The beauty is that the thimbles take up VERY LITTLE ROOM.

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Waiting To Be Widowed

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Mema also collects shot glasses.  I know I brought her one from the Biggest Truck Stop in the World.  She's got them from all over though. 


80's Rock Chick

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Sparky wrote:

... and have a collection of MAD magazines from childhood.  I'm kind of a nostalgia buff.

I have a huge collection of MAD Magazines & books.


"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Waiting To Be Widowed

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Lady Strange wrote:

Pambo wrote:   I'm not sure why I got thimbles.  I don't sew. Better than being named the Corvette Queen.  The beauty is that the thimbles take up VERY LITTLE ROOM.

True.  I've got about 4 shadow boxes full of thimbles.  My husband put them up on the walls in the dining room.  I don't think he gets that this is a joke because he tries to make them look all LOVELY for us to enjoy. 

Oh yeah.  Mema & I have a combined collection of what we call crapulence.  It's all things that we decide is so crappy that we just HAVE to have it...or HAVE to give it to one another.  Mostly it's stuff we find at garage sales (like my a coconut orangutan) or at stores that have weird stuff (like wooden guys doing odd things, like riding surfboards).  We have fun with it.


Waiting To Be Widowed

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Lady Strange wrote:

Sparky wrote: ... and have a collection of MAD magazines from childhood.  I'm kind of a nostalgia buff. I have a huge collection of MAD Magazines & books.  

BOOKS!  Do you read them over & over & keep on keeping them in case you might want to read them again?  I do that. 


The Chosen Woo

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I have normal collections I guess. Hubby collects eagle stuff, me wolves and butterflies. But more wolves than the butterflies. Oh and we have some autographed pictures of celebrities from Ebay. Nothing really vintage. The cast of Charmed, NKOTB, some girly pics for the hubby. Some are authentic, some are just copies of true ones. We had them up in the apt. but not in this house because some of the walls are paneled.

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

80's Rock Chick

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I know this will come as a big surprise to you guys, but I collect music stuff. 

Besides the thousands of records, CDs & videos, I have lots of memorabillia: hundreds of rock magazines, and autographed items - posters, flats, etc.  Although I don't like to buy autographs - I like to get them myself.  Firstly, ya know it's authentic, and secondly - it's fun!


"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Mediator

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I collect wine glasses and sunglasses.


80's Rock Chick

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woo_hoo22 wrote:

 me wolves and butterflies.


You must like wolves.  I liked Oz as a wolfie.  But then again, I love Oz in general.

Have you seen "LadyHawke"? LOOOOVE that movie!  And Rutger Hauer made a cool black wolf.


"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

Lady Strange wrote:

You must like wolves.  I liked Oz as a wolfie.  But then again, I love Oz in general. Have you seen "LadyHawke"? LOOOOVE that movie!  And Rutger Hauer made a cool black wolf.  

Yeah Oz was/is cool! Yes I remember I liked Ladyhawke, but it's been awhile since I've watched it. May need to go check it out again.........

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Oh WoW LS! I have a huge box completely full of Mad Magazines and Mad Books, the game and a t-shirt. We would have been bestest buds as kids! I have a lot of the paperback Mad books dating back to the early 60's and most of the magazines are from 70's 80's and 90's.

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

woo_hoo22 wrote:

Yes I remember I liked Ladyhawke, but it's been awhile since I've watched it. May need to go check it out again.........

I highly recommend it.  One of the most romantic movies I've ever seen, and plus Matthew Broderick was so funny in it!


"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Senior Member

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'70s stuff.  I have a TON of stuff.  I went on a flea market tear for quite a while in the late '90s.  I've curbed my habit because I was accumulating way too much stuff.

I mostly have light-up (LED) digital watches from the '70s.  That was my big thing.  (Geek, I know, but they're actually pretty cool).  I have about 200 of them.

I also have some mod design phones, radios, electronic games, magazines, collector cards, toys.

I was a freak for a while there.  I had to stop!

-- Edited by Marky at 10:57, 2006-04-07


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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What is the oldest Issue of MAD you have LS?

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

Sparky wrote:

What is the oldest Issue of MAD you have LS?

Wow.  I haven't looked at them in so many years, but I know it's from the 50's.

As a girl, I bought everything Charlies Angels, and they were on the cover of a MAD Magazine in 1976 I guess, so I had to have it.  And I got into MAD from there.  Then my parents, uncles, etc. would pick up old ones at tag sales for me.  So that's how I got the 50's & 60's issues.  I was so surprised the first time I saw Alfred E. Newman with a crew cut!


"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

I used to pick them up at flea markets and garage sales, I hit one garage sale and thought I had died and gone to Spy Vs. Spy Heaven. I bought at least a 150 issues for $3.00 total. I have a rare issue of Jimmy Carter on the Front with his toothe missing, the rarety about the magazine is it was printed with 3 covers stapled on it. (Machine error I guess)

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

80's Rock Chick

Status: Offline
Posts: 8789

Sparky wrote:

I used to pick them up at flea markets and garage sales, I hit one garage sale and thought I had died and gone to Spy Vs. Spy Heaven. I bought at least a 150 issues for $3.00 total. I have a rare issue of Jimmy Carter on the Front with his toothe missing, the rarety about the magazine is it was printed with 3 covers stapled on it. (Machine error I guess)

Wow-  What a steal!  One year, for Christmas my uncle gave me a shirt-size box, but it was really heavy.  Turns out he was hoarding tagsale magazines all year, and wrapped them up for me that way.  It was cool.

I know the Jimmy Carter one, but I don't know about the 3 covers.  Oh man, you're making wanna dig into my collection again!


"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Permanent State of Confusion

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My collections are nothing exciting or weird. I have Legos, M&M stuff and some sports memorabilia. But nothing super old. That reminds me, it is time to shed of those items. They are all packed in the basement and haven't been touched for about a year and a half.


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

The Good Witch Of The South


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Oh that reminds me- we do have a few hundred action figures that are the boys and the same number of Barbies! Also about a million legos! I have them all, not sure if my last child would have been a girl or boy! I am not exaggerating on the numbers either!


Permanent State of Confusion

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I know. Legos seem to multiply. But you never had enough of the kind you needed when you were building something. And my mother always enjoyed stepping on them. That made her day.


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

The boy and I were alone for so long, I guess I felt guilty and almost every week I bought him a lego set- some small and some bigger sets and an action figure for about 5 years! When he was three he rolled off the bed into a pile of legos and split his head open. They had to stitch his head with five stitches. He never cried though- I knew then I was in for some trouble!


Permanent State of Confusion

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I think all my Matchbox are at my Mom's house. I tried to get my nieces to play with them but it didn't really work that way. Maybe I should relocate them to my house.


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

80's Rock Chick

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Ruby wrote:

Oh that reminds me- we do have a few hundred action figures that are the boys and the same number of Barbies!

That reminds me - I still have all of my Barbie, Dawn, and Crissy dolls.  (Do you remember the Crissy dolls?  By pushing in their bellybuttons or turning the knob on their backs, you could make their hair all different lengths.  Of course, I must've been a rock chick at heart back then too, because I always kept their hair as long as possible.)

This is the Chrissie one I have.

And for those of you who like blonds, there is the lovely Velvet (I have her too.):



I also have Tara & the younger sister, whose name I cannot remember...




"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

I had a bunch of Jem & The Holograms dolls and Barbie dolls but I gave them to my neice when she was younger and they got ruined and thrown out! That kinda hurt but I couldn't see holdin on to them

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

The Mediator

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I wasn't much of a doll girl. In fact, I've got some porcelain dolls that my ex-stepmom gave to me that have been in their boxes for years. I don't think they're worth much, I don't think they are any name brands, but if anyone here likes porcelain dolls, I'd be willing to sell them super cheap. I never liked them and they're just taking up closet space.

I wish I would've kept my Matchbox and Hot Wheels collections, though. I had some pretty cool cars, and I think I'd still play with them now!

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