Another great advertising idea where our listeners/ forum members could help us! Please take a moment to post Freeze Frame Radio in your local Craigslist!!
Here is a sample of what I mentioned for the station in the Milwaukee Craigslist. This is posted under "Creative Services"
-Freeze Frame Radio- All Requests, All The Time! Nearly 10,000 Songs Free! We are the Internet's Free Music Jukebox!
Visit us and tune in!
Free to post, only takes a few moments of your time! Of course we would be way grateful!
I just got notice that one of my postings, under FREE STUFF was deleted because someone flagged it as spam. They asked that stuff like this be posted under "Services Offered" instead.
Well actually, its more like the FREEZE FRAME RADIO Rummage Sale Sign Advertising Blitz.....
Would any of our forum members be willing, if we were to send a few 11 x 17 printed signs advertising the station, to post these signs for a weekend (or two, if they last that long) at a couple of busy intersections in your town? Put them up on dowels, tape them to a post, etc...and then remove them (so as not to become garbage or litter...)
I am thinking that a few well placed signs, at busy stoplights, or out front of popular strip malls across America (heck even England if Ultimo and pip are interested) might be an effective (and cheap-we do this as a labor of love) advertising tool for the station to boost our numbers!!
If interested, please shoot me an e-mail with name & address that we could mail these out to. Of course, all info will be held in strictest confidence, and we'd never sell your e-mail address to anyone.