Whoa, very kewl Jules!!! I can see it all now....you on the beach, a drink or two nearby, belting out Hendrix!! Ya gotta get someone to take some pics so you can post 'em here for us!
LOL I will somehow Sandy! There is some publicity pics being taken today! I have the best backdrop for playing too! Open air beer garden, ocean in the background and trees...and most likely a croc wandering across the sand...hehe! Most likely will be Wally! I can pick him a mile away now! He is friggen huge! I'm really looking forward to today! Got my voice working well and I've got it down pat now!
Haha, Wally's a fan of your's now....either that or he loves him some Hendrix!! Publicity pics huh? Can we get your autograph now before you get to rock god status?? hehehe
In all seriousness, I'm really glad you've found something you obviously enjoy doing during your spare time. And it sounds like you're having a lot of fun with it too.
LOL...autograph!!! Well..hehe...I am playing some originals that I and some of the other band members have written but am throwing a few Hendrix in today as a treat!
I'm loving what I do...I haven't had much time to rehearse lately but I've taken the time this week to get into it! I have my music and art for relaxation!! Just wish I could get online more often to have some fun with you all! But LOL I am at least out living life in a great way and not wasting a moment!
Yes I write both lyrics and music Sandy! I have about 15 songs I have written! I play guitar and sing and occasionally add in some saxaphone! I also play a bit of harmonica.
I have always loved music! I can't read a note of sheet music but I play everything by ear! Music is a passion of mine and for years this has been quiet knowledge to all but a select few but since I have moved up here...well new life, new beginnings, and a wonderful inspiring place...well it sort of just came out and wanted to break free into public!
I think that's great Jules. It takes a lot of courage to get up in front of people and play an instrument and/or sing for them. I remember my days of singing in school, how I'd get a little shaky sometimes; and the first time I had to do a solo I thought I was going to die!! But after doing it a few times I guess I got used to it and it didn't bother me so much.
But you won't catch me anywhere near a Karoake place now. My singing days now take place in the car or in the privacy of my home, haha.
Top of the morning to you too ghost....things not looking to good here today...that storm thats been trabeling across the county hits Florida today...in about an hour!
I'm doing ok. Sitting here watching the Country Music Awards (my wife's idea).
The boy got sent home from school today with "Fifths" disease. Its a virus that causes a little fever and a rash. He feels fine, but school was worried he might be contagious so they sent him home. He doesn't have school tomorrow anyway becuase of "Kindergarted Roundup" which is where this fall's Kindergartners come visit school and meet the teachers.
I didn't "see" it, but I heard that Ally mentioned my aging eyes. Yes, I had to order new glasses and this will be my first pair of bifocals. The eye guy said I could probably get along another year without them, but if I can handle the emotional stress of getting them now, they would probably help me with the hours I spend staring at little letters on computer screens. I also don't want to have to buy another new pair in only a year so I'm coming to terms with my age.