I found it curious that no one, or at least that I saw, had commented on the walkout today. Maybe because I am in Southern California it is more noticable. Tell me your thoughts.
i think a pandora's box has been opened, and we should put on our big boy boxers and big girl panties and deal with it. i think that there are too many factors involved to definately support or not the walk out. i'm afraid for these people that it could very well backfire; yet, still on the other hand the hard truth is that our economy does rely heavily on imigrant labor and it could very well have an impact on our ecomomy. as with our own american people, there are many imigrants who abuse the welfare system and the law, but there are those who want to abide by the rules and live constructive lives. those that come to america with their nasty habits are the people that give the rest a bad name. i think that those who enter the united states illegaly should be deported. i think that if they want to live in america, they should learn to speak american. i think that they should be given a probation period of seven years before they are eligible to become american citizens and if they are criminaly charged (one chance) should be deported. i have too many thoughts for and against. my head tells me no, but my heart tells me yes. opression leads to revolution... i believe in so many ways, america i poo poo'd... and i think vicente fox needs to resign.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)