tomorrow is the last day of school. it's a "fun" day -- no class, field day, yearbook signing, water baloon toss (because there is no fighting in school anymore), snacks.... but my kid doesn't get to attend today he went on the a/b honor field trip to an amusement park where he had tons of fun and purchased a bunch of junk. one of the cool things he bought was a pair of "popper balls" -- you know when you strike them together they pop and spark and smell like sulpher. well, after school he was popping them on the bus and the mean bus lady called the cops who removed him from the bus and called the middle school principal who told my son not to bother going to school tomorrow and that if he showed up, he would have me go pick him up. okay, getting kicked out the last day of school is not what burns my ars; it's how the situation was handled. as adults, it is obvious to us why poppers shouldn't be played with on the bus, right? none of the adults bothered to explain to the kid WHY -- "don't bother coming to school tomorrow....." i called the school; not to beg for them to let him go for "fun day", but to inquire why none of the adults explained the WHY and CONSEQUESCES. "well, i assumed he would know," is what the principal told me. "and what made you come to that conclusion," i asked. <silence> "i don't think it's fair that you suspend him from school without explaining WHY," i continued. "well, if you would like to bring him in tomorrow, i will be happy to spend some time with him and explain WHY," he responded. "no, i'm not going to take him in if he can't stay at school, but he's here with me, and you can explain to him right now." and he did, and now my son understands WHY, but he still can't go for fun day. i guess i'm just disgusted that these people want our children to be responsible and held accountable, but they don't give reasons or expalination for the punishment they are handing out! okay, now i feel better. i just needed to let out my silent scream! thanks for listening....
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)