hello all! Last day for me this week! It's suposed to get in the 80's with severe t-storms. Last night we picked up some flowers to plant and some decorative rocks. I'm happy with the turn out of American Idol although couldn't watch ,most of it because I had to watch Lost! Have a good one all!
I forgot to add that annoying coworker is off through Tuesday!
Party On!
-- Edited by woo_hoo22 at 07:38, 2006-05-25
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
good morning everyone! i have to agree with molly -- it does feel like friday! have a boat load of work today but i will poke around here a bit too. today it's gonna be another scorcher in tulsa today, and our first ozone alert day to boot. it's a good thing i don't have to make that extra trip this afternoon to pick up my kid from school today!
smiles everyone..... smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I thought yesterday was Friday. Our sitter had a Dr appointment so I stayed home with the boy. She usually works those appointments around weekends so she can have a three day weekend. Since when I'm home with him is usually on a Friday, yesterday felt like Friday.
I've got to do some account closing, billing collections, and other un-fun stuff today. Tonight is preschool graduation for the boy.
Morning all- running late- van in the shop again- 60000 mile check up and it is making a noise. Got a BIG Dodge Dakota truck- 4 door to drive! I love it!
The boy is here- must go work! Boss has two interviews for the front desk. Hope one works out- need a break- wanna play!