I'm afraid he's only a few steps away from becoming a recluse, convinced he can no longer go outside without being torn apart by the hordes of adoring fans.
It's so sad to watch him on the street these days, forcing his signature on people that crumple it up and throw it away only seconds later.
JD's gal pal (we call her Chef here at the studio because she's always sending in home-made goodies for us to eat on Sunday nights) is a prolific ebayer apparnantly, and last year for my B-day she won a signed Huey photo and her & JD gave it to me.
It's now PROUDLY displayed right behind me! ROCK ON! HLN is STILL the best!
PS: JD's delusion has cause him to think Chef is actually his groupie. Again. Very sad.
well if he'd start putting his autograph on his blank personal checks, then hand THOSE out...then he'd finally truly have all those groupies flocking to him....
Yeah, I cut myself off that site a loooooooooooooooooooong time ago.
But now I'm getting the itch to buy a couple gold RIAA certified records. THAT would look really cool in the studio.
Problem is only crappy albums go for reasonable amounts. The major artists sell for $400 to $1200. That's too much scratch for my paulty paycheck to handle.
I'll have him buy a Huey Lewis and a Meatloaf. That would be perfect. I know just where they'll go!
And I want awards for SPORTS and BAT OUT OF HELL. If I know him he'll go on the cheap and get me awards for HARD AT PLAY and HITS OUT OF HELL or some other low selling albums.