Mad Mema wrote: Don't even get me started on the subject of jeans! Okay... too late!! Why the heck does it have to be that every pair of women's jeans in the world must be low waisted and boot cut? I'm one of those females with a fairly small waist, yet am plagued with a bit of "junk in the trunk". Therefore, I can either find jeans that fit me okay around the just below the waist line that I do not have a prayer of squeezing the booty into with anything of comfort and dignity OR I can find jeans that work for the booty but have inches to spare around the top. Either way I've never been a fan of the boot cut / bell bottomed look.
Amen sista! And I'm not as skinny as I once was, I'll admit to having a bit of belly, so why do they even make those super low wasted jeans for anyone over a size 9? Why would I want that? Or, if you get jeans that aren't the current popular style, they might as well be overalls, they come up so high!