Well, I'm wife #3 if that tells you anything of his track record. Wife #1 is the biological mother of the boys. Wife #2 sent me a sympathy card when she heard we got married. I sent her a dozen roses when I figured out why she sent me the sympathy card.
He's already told me twice that he thinks he made a massive mistake in leaving me. He says I didn't give him the chance to think it through. Well... I found out he was thinking of leaving me when he told me that he had made the decision to leave me. How is that not giving him a chance to think it through? He theoretically thought it through the night before he left when he told me he was 'going fishing with the guys after work' which he later admitted was not true. He went "somewhere else" which he later claimed was to spend the night at a hotel to think it through.
In summary, he decided that I was going to leave him (wasn't even on my mind) so he decided to beat me to the punch. When he bothered to mention "my plan" to me after he already left, I asked him why he didn't bother to ask me if that was my intent because it wasn't. Then he asks me if I wanted to get back together. Now, why the fark would I want to get back together with someone who just left me for a dumb reason like that in the middle of all of the other stressful stuff going on in our family? He just got done telling me that he doesn't think he can be a good husband to me, and he is asking me if I want him to come back and continue to be a bad one who I can no longer trust on the basic level? Gimme a break!!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Communication is critical to the success of any friendship/relationship....
but you dont throw away a relationship that matters to you on a whim...he owed it to you to talk to you. The fact he didnt only shows that he wasnt fully there for you when he was there....if that wouldnt change if he came back, then that is a great reason to move on.
Exactly... which is why when the day after he left he asked me if I wanted to reconcile, I asked him if he was smoking crack. The sad fact of our relationship is that it has been largely one sided. The basis of our relationship has been me doing for him. He, like most addicts (alcoholic), is very self centered. He would think nothing of demanding I do any little thing for him RIGHT NOW where as if I asked him to do anything for me, he might eventually get to it. Here's a prime (and recent) example:
Upon me opening my eyes first thing in the morning one day, he asked me if he could borrow some money to get cigarettes on his way to work. This was 5:30AM... I said "sure". He generally leaves for work around 7:15, so I was not overly motivated to grab my purse right that second. He walked out of the room. I got up, got a drink, then headed off to the shower as was my morning ritual. I was in the shower before 6:00. As I'm in the shower, he comes in the bathroom, opens the shower door, shoves my purse at me and demands I give him money right that second. He's not going to leave for over an hour, but in his mind I just wasn't moving fast enough for him. My response to him was, "I'm in the shower. I can't believe you are standing there with my purse. GET THE F#CK OUT OF HERE!! I'll get it for you when I'M OUT OF THE SHOWER!" He says, "Oh, okay." and wanders off.
I ask him to look at my truck because I noticed that my cruise control doesn't work. He says he'll get to it over the weekend. Fine with me. Two weeks later, I happen to notice my horn doesn't work and I remember that he never did look at my cruise control. I called him and asked him if he could look at this because now it is not just an inconvenience, it is a safety issue what with the horn. He says he will try to get to it on Tuesday if he has time... this was SUNDAY!! I ended up fixing it myself on Monday after work while he was theoretically out fishing with the guys... see previous post. He left the next day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Ya know... the more I remember these type of things, the happier I get that he left. Despite what everyone in my family and some of my friends happen to think, I would actually rather staple a skunk to my forehead than take him back.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
What kind of a women are you ? I can't believe you didn't get out of the shower , wrap yourself in a towel and run to the nearest convinence store for his smokes ! No wonder the man drinks . I can't believe he put up with you for more than a month .
also- you can get a pet skunk thats already de-scented .
He's not from Indiana, is he? My aunt's ex husband was a lot like that. We always thought he was a wee bit weird anyway, and he had some major psychological problems. One day, while they were on their way somewhere in the car, my aunt was driving, he told her he was having an affair. (Is it me, or telling someone this while they're driving is a bad thing?) So of course, she kicked him out the same day and filed for divorce.
Ready for the kicker? He wasn't having an affair! He had this huge crush on this lady at his work who was divorced and had a disabled child. He donated once to a fundraiser for the kid, and that was the only interaction they ever had! She wanted nothing to do with him, but he began basically stalking her. I'm so glad my aunt's not with him any more!
Unfortunately, his daughter is still around. She's a spoiled brat. She's 26 but acts like 14. I can't stand to be around her, but the last couple years, she's been inviting herself to our family's Christmas.
Hey... there's a good title for him... Rob the Wasband Knob.
Mz... he initially broke it to me that he was planning on leaving while we were driving to our granddaughter's pre-school graduation ceremony. He was behind the wheel, which is probably a good thing because I might have kicked him out of the vehicle and left him on the side of the highway. I thought it was particularly cruddy of him to lay something like that on me right before what was supposed to be a happy event. I put a good face on for the whole ceremony and the family dinner afterward. Almost broke his arm for trying to hug me during the ceremony. That is the way he is... unbelieveably selfish, a fact which he would tell you about himself. He claims that leaving me is the only selfless act he has ever performed. PUH-LEEEEEEEEZE!
I had to actually speak with him again last night. He is the VP of our neighborhood association. Word has gotten out to the neighborhood, so the President called to find out what is going on. I reminded him last week that he needed to call and resign. Of course he didn't. Again, I get stuck answering for him. I let him know how little I appreciated that. He made his decision, so he needs to be man enough to stand up for it. I'm sure being woman enough to stand up for his decision.
The neighborhood association meeting is tonight, so I think I will not attend. I'll let them talk about me behind my back... I know they will, the bunch of gossips that they are. I'm not highly popular with that set as I have the audacity to have a career as opposed to sitting home cranking out the babies. I think instead I will go to the gym... another thing that makes me unpopular... I put some effort into my appearance. Three of the five board members are pregnant females... even when not pregnant each of them has at least 80 lbs on me. Don't get me wrong, I used to be big myself... I don't judge. They judge me for it. (Yes, I've heard all about myself from them, either directly or loudly amongst themselves within earshot.)
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hehehehe... alas they would probably enjoy fish heads. I don't care about the neighborhood busy bodies. I've been the subject of their idle banter since I moved there 3 years ago. I'm not one of "them" and never tried to be one of "them" so that makes me a threat of some sort. You should have heard the tongues wag when I got my motorcycle license. They flipped out that I was riding a turquoise '95 Fatboy. One lady actually forbid her husband to speak to me at the neighborhood's National Night Out Against Crime party. Tactless witch only pulled him a couple feet away from me before yelling at him for speaking to me. Never met that woman before that moment, so I don't know where she got her ideas about me.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
My neighborhood is set up really weirdly... there is one main road through the neighborhood that has like 8 or so easements off of it. I get along really well with all of the people on my easement and a few of the people across the main drag from me. Other people I don't know well, but we wave to each other. There is just the one little clique of busy bodies. Unfortunately, that little clique tends to generally control the association board. They just trade jobs on the board. Mostly I can ignore these people.
The bad part of this deal is that since Kevin was actually on the board as the VP, there is no way to get him off the board officially without voting in a new VP. To do that, the whole neighborhood will have to be informed that they need to vote for a new VP. All of a sudden now everybody in the other 76 houses in my neighborhood who don't already know will become aware of my personal business. I hate that idea.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mema. You KNOW I got your back...and I could take him. No prob.
Tell the busibodies to pack sand (prolly why they're so big anyway). Tell the man to pack sand. I'm a vindictive bastage so let me be the first to say, "Smile in his face & kick him in his junk."
As you can see, I'm not friends with any of my exs....