I don't know how you guys put up with this forum like this all day.
I post four or five things and I'm so sick of how slow it's moving I just give up and go do something else.
Since this is day three of it being slow now I put in a problem ticket with Active Board. Hopefully they'll let me know what's going on and I'll pass that on along to all of you.
They emailed me yesterday and said they weren't aware of the problem and that they would run some optimization software to get it sped up again. Hopefully it's fixed for good now.
The forum is a third party company out of California. If our website were to go completely down you could still access the forum, and if the forum were to crash completely it wouldn't affect our website.
They're just having some problems on their end. It happens every once in awhile, they usually get it fixed faster than this though.
Again, I can't complain too loudly though, because we pay $0.00 a year for their service