I was fortunate enough that Chef borrowed me season one and two of the show.
I'm into episode nine right now, THE PUPPET SHOW, which so far is one my favorites.
So far I'm surprised at how similar to the X-Files the show is, except it's rooted in complete sci-fi, as opposed to the X-Files which always had one foot in reality.
This kid that plays Zander is funny, but OBVIOUSLY learned his acting technique watching Friends and Matthew Perry.
Sarah Michelle Geller is pretty darn funny in a dry humor kind of way. Also much prettier than I was aware of.
Allyson Hannigan does an awful good job of playing a dorky teenager even though she was 23 or 24 at the time.
So far I've really enjoyed the show, and everyone's told me the first season wasn't that good, so I'm pumped to get to season two!
Very Good grasshopper. As Woo will tell you, seasons 3 -6 were the best ever. and if you dont cry at certain episodes than I shall come thier and horsewhip your penquin flippers from here to kingdome come