Ok, so I don't get it. This weeks new Number One Movie at the box office is Miami Vice.
From what I've read, this movie has nothing to do with the TV show other than the title and the character names.
Russell Crowe is not even TRYING to act like Don Johnson. Jamie Foxx is not even trying to act like Phillip Michael Thomas.
They're not wearing the clothes, they're not wearing the hair.
Why name the Movie Miami Vice? It's just a NEW cop movie set in Miami, it seems to have no connection of any kind to the classic TV show (again, other than the names)
I haven't seen it, but one of the reasons I wasn't going to see it was because I couldn't imagine it being that good. You can't recreate those shows in a movie and do it any justice, I think. Good example - Dukes of Hazard. I did not like it. My son loved it, but he's 11, has hit puberty and bases his like of the movie solely on Jessica Simpson and a 69 Charger, not substance.
Whoa, I just read what I wrote. I guess expecting Dukes of Hazard to have substance is like looking for emmy nominations in a porno.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
my husband hates colin farrell! he's not bad in the looks department -- yummy
(i like the bad boys), but i think he over uses the "f" word, so that turns me off. i would have really liked alexander except that the dang music was so loud i couldn't hear the dialogue.
hollywood is hurting for something worth putting on film if they have to keep putting out re-makes and spin off's from retro tv!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)