So, I was driving around today, as I often dooooooooooooooooooooo, and I had this brainstorm.
I was thinking about how WAAY got a T-Shirt from that OTHER station, and how Darlene WANTED a T-Shirt but our station budget is basically shot for the decade already.
So I thought to myself, what gift can I give that wouldn't cost any money? What commodity do I possess that I could share with our fellow Freeze-Framers. Then it hit me harder than a late fee from a long overdue video rental! BAM! MUSIC! I CAN GIVE THE GIFT OF MUSIC!
So here's the idea.
When a forum member with 1000 posts or more has a birthday (or 500 or more if they've been a member less than six months) we will dedicate a SPECIAL T10: Birthday Edition to them!
They can send in a list of their all-time favorite ten songs, along with reasons why they love the music. We'll let other forum members call our hotline and say some nice things about the birthday person.
Then JD & I will do a special T10 Birthday countdown, play the soundbites from the forum members, throw some surprises in there, and when it's done we'll ship out a copy of the show on CD to the birthday person!
We'll have to limit this to people with the aforementioned number of posts though, because otherwise we'll be doing too many of them, and we'll get people signing up JUST to get this done and they won't really be forum members.
But just so the folks with too few posts don't feel left out, on your birthday EVERYONE gets a 10 pack of songs to choose and we'll play em back to back for ya!
You find me another station in the country that will do THAT for you and I'll show you a one armed man that can juggle!!!!