Hey, I bought a new MP3 player a few days ago. OMG are these things getting cool!
The one I bought is a Samsung, only $90 and it's basically a 1GB USB Stick. About the exact size of a pack of Wrigleys gum!
Anyway, I've been using it a lot the last few days and it got me thinking about how I always seem to have 5 - 10 songs that I'm really playing the heck out of at any given time. I'm thinking mostly of the new music that has my interest (which is far and few between these days), but also the old stuff that for whatever reason is back on my list.
You know what i mean? Like say, ZZ TOP's "Legs", I may go a month where I gotta here "Sharp Dressed Man" every day, then I may go a year where I turn the radio off if it comes on!
Anyhow, I thought it would be a fun thread to have what your CURRENT three top songs are.
As an added bonus, if you keep your answer updated, at any moment I may hop on the air and play your top three for you!
My current top three are:
1) Saving Jane - Girl Next Door (I played it about a dozen times today already )
2) Morningwood - Jetsetter (Not normall my kind of music, but this song is sticking)
3) Tim McGraw - Live Like You Were Dying (Had been a few months since I heard it, then it played while I was exercising the other day and now I can't get enough of it again).