The boss has been talking about taking the games off all the pc's but has yet to do it. This is because of the reports of my annoying coworker playing Solitaire. She complains about how overworked she is but then sits and plays a game at least once a day. Well the reason I'm concerned is that this person has now moved on to playing internet games as well. If push comes to shove, will they start monitoring closer or put a block on something?
I expressed my concern to hubby about losing my music over this. He couldn't see this being a problem. He just asked "Why does she complain about you listening to the music?" She does not, but you never know. And in the end I may not be able to post. Nothing has happened yet, but it just got me thinking. It will make me mad because I know for a fact that they have never told her to not do it or to stop. Why not address the problem directly?
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"