Oh boy it's a fun day here. We have had 3 vehicles brought in on tow trucks...including one minivan that the owner diagnosed that he needs a fuel pump. Sounded sort of logical... won't start and according to the gas gauge it has 3/4 tank of gas. The guys got the gas tank off only to find that it was bone dry. Wonder what kind of gas mileage he thinks he gets?!?!
lol. He's probably bragging to his friends "Hey man, this last tank of gas I was gettin' like 100 miles to the gallon before the fuel pump broke!"
Woo, I'm jealous of ANYONE who needs a tractor to cut their lawn!
It's so funny because being from Michigan, no offense, but my image of that state is not a good one. I just picture old, rusty, dirty Detroit and figure the state is like that. OBVIOUSLY that's ridiculous, I would hate for Wisconsin be judged on Milwaukee.
But in my mind I pictured you living in Eminems house I'm having a hard time picturing you going home from work at night and having a park-sized lawn It sure sounds great though!
and no one thought to check the tank FIRST before they started to drop it ?
PS- that "tunk - echo " sound you get when you bump the tank with a wrench while your working on it could be conscrewed as a hint in some peoples garages.
Me , I'd charge the owner an hour labor and FIRE the so called "mechanic"
but hey , what do I know , I don't wear a suit , my slacks aren't creased , my tye has a gravy stain on it and my teeth are in the dresser.
His fuel sending unit is bad anyway, so the tank still had to come off. It was just funny watching Kevin, John, and Bryan bracing for taking the tank off the jack. They thought it was going to be SUPER heavy. I just think it's funny that this thing is so dry we are going to have to give him gas to get him across the street to the QuikTrip station.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
well I just checked with hubby. This is the 4th time he has had to fill the tractor! He is almost done. And Riggs- I asked hubby how much lawn we have- he says at least an acre and a half that we have to mow. We have more but it's more like a field for the deer.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"