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2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Spike Lee don't like White People

JD, did you ever get through that whole Spike Lee Documentary?


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

no.....only a bit more than 1/2 way.  nothin more than a bitch fest. & the whites are amply represented too. but what I don't like is that its just people pointing fingers.  it's the voice of outrage, that's understood. I think they have reason to be outraged.

but 4 hrs of it? Its like ok thanks, I am tired of feeling sorry for you- you don't look sick, you don't look elderly, you look fat, lazy, stupid and poor with a big foul mouth and a shack that was beneath sea-level, dummy.... shoulda stayed in school?

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Yeah, I'd have more respect for him if he were out there helping out.

Did he adequately cover the fact that the Feds couldn't move in until the local gov. asked them too, and that took WAY too long? Or did he just go right to attacking the feds?


Grand Poobah


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thus far, all spike lee has said, this is a film that gives voice to the outrage....there has been nothin about him in it....he just lets people tell their some cases dig their points of view into a hole.....the governments are saying "well this and that and this and you gotta and you shoulda" while for 5 days people waited, dying, sinking, for any kind of response at all from the feds. finger pointing while people were dying by the minute. very sad, while prez is campaigning in san diego and Con Rice was buying shoes in hollywood 3 days in.....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Ugh. There's no denying it was a horrible horrible fiasco. Perhaps the greatest mis-step in his 8 years (no smartazz comments please ).

They just bungled the thing horribly, and I can't defend the administration on this one.

The only thing I can say is that he is a good, religious man, and I don't believe for a minute he didn't care because they were mostly black. I just refuse to believe it. Maybe I'm naive, but I think he just screwed it up.

I could believe it was class related. Because if it were an affluent area with a lot of influential people I think they would have made sure they got them out ASAP. Then again, those people would have had the sense and the means to get out when told to.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

you should see this, man....I will lend it to you when I am done. YOu've got you're people playin the race card, but then others of the same race saying "shut up, not true..." its just a big old argument back and forth that gets exhausting to watch. The one thing that EVERYONE agrees on tho, is just how awesome the Coast Guard was. The only agency to do anything asap without being asked.

know what, once I get through it, i probably want to watch it one more time, with the volume off. just let the images talk to me, instead of the mouths....

the footage tho man, is just so nuts... its like when you can't stand to hear anymore HE SAID SHE SAID, he breaks into a montage of just floating bodies and destroyed neighborhoods for miles and miles and miles.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Yeah, I bet it's just as powerful, maybe even moreso, with the sound off.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

make no mistake, it is a direct attack on the bush administration, but the overkill after awhile just gets too much to it backfires..... it really seems like some good good people were lost, and some really useless sobs were saved.... its like that thought at work "sure you can bitch and bitch and bitch, but how did you in any way, shape or form help yourself?" get out means get out and you didn't.

& its not the old & the crippled bitchin here, its really fat foul-mouthed do-nothin lazy gimme gimme gimme folks that get annoying. and al sharpton gets his 2-cents in there too, as if he were there....

but these are tempered again with some really sweet people too.....there was that picture of an old lady in a wheel chair that was left outside the Dome after she died. They had her son, who was so torn; he had to leave her there and get on a bus under order of the military once they did arrive.....

just terrible, the whole situation....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cat Scratch Diva


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This sounds like a very sad show...I think I'll pass on watching it.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

well, I made it through part 3 before I had to turn it off again. this time just out of heartbreak. people burying their children. too much.....just heartbreaking.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

lol. Well I admire your dogged determination to plow through it. Even if you have to take it in bits and peices!

Spike PROBABLY could have told the story just as well in two hours though hey?


Grand Poobah


Status: Offline
Posts: 36897

yea he could have. it seems like the people who lost the most are the least to bitch about it. its amazing. they have footage in the thing as late as july even. its right now...

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
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