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Lord of the Lair

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New Prayer Thread

I have been looking for the prayer thread.   Probably right in front of my face, but could not see it.

I could sure use some of your thoughfulness and prayers.  JR, I know you know the feeling.  Long story short, business is bad. I quit my dream job to try and hold my company together.  I have lost a lot of money.  There is a strain on my marraige that had brought the D word into play.  I don't feel comfortable, even with you my friends, to go into further details.  I have spoken with Thumper on the phone and he has my permission to share if he feels it may benefit.


I am sorry I have not been involved in FFR and its froum lately.  You folks have always been very supportive and I beg for that support once again.

Be well, and hope to spend more time with you soon.



Cat Scratch Diva


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be strong..have faith it will all work out.


The Chosen Woo

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Prayers for you and yours! You know we 're here for you.

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Hey CP, you KNOW I understand tbe way you feel with the business.

I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time and I'll always keep you in my prayers.

If you ever need to talk feel free to drop me a note or call. At least on the business front I'm sure we could share some stories

You're a good guy, everything is sure to work out in the end. Just stay strong through the rough times buddy.


The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

Praying for sure CP. Guess that explains your absence. For richer or poorer my friend, but easier said than done. God never promised us that marriage would be easy, I know, but try to hold on. Remember what is important- that you have each other and your family. We are always here if you need advice, support, or just to laugh- oh yeah and to hear Chaka and Cher!


Grand Poobah


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take care man!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Permanent Vacation

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Do what you need to do, we'll be thinking of you!




Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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CP, I know you don't really know me, but I know that if times are rough, it is comforting to know people are thinking of you and praying for you.  With that said, I will be doing both.  Please, keep the faith.  Life does hand you lemons sometimes, but it's how you deal with the lemons....try to make the best of it.  Seek counsiling if need be..... 


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Doesn't Do Windows

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I'll be thinking of, and praying for you and your family too, CP.


Chairwoman Of The Board

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What's going on out there.  It must be in the air.  We've just had two couples from our church split up, now, two of my closest friends have separated from their husbands.  And to top it off my hubby and I seem to have forgotten how to be friends with one another. 

Have you ever been in that stage where everything your spouse does irritates you (And Vice Versa).  I that.  The only thing worse is when the relationship develops into apathy.  I think that's where it gets scary because you've both lost that passionate love, but also those other passionate feelings.  Even when it's anger it's better than no feelings at all. 

I agree w/ Darlene, If you haven't been to counseling yet, don't give up without trying.  You don't want to quit until you've tried your best to make it work.  Hubby and I have been to counseling, we know what we're SUPPOSED to be doing.  Sometimes you just get tired when you feel it's one-sided.  As long as you're both not talking and wanting the D word at the same time, there's hope. 

I'm praying for you and me and my friends and anybody else out there struggling right now with their marriages.  God Bless us and help us all!!!  


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Good thoughts and prayers for everyone.

Even AC and I have had our qaurells but we just go back to when it all began and what attracted us to one another and we can usually put the negative things behind us.

After 11 years, a few were kinda rocky in the middle but I think we love each other more now than ever.

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 720

That's refreshing to hear Sparky.  You and Ally seem to be good friends, have common interests, and be able to laugh with each other.  That's some major points in my opinion to a good marriage. 


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

Yeah....I think I'll keep her for a while longer.

Don't give up TG, how long have you two been together?


Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 720

14 years.  I'm in it for the long haul.  I sometimes get this fear though that the hubby will tire or my nagging and throw in the towel.  My kids, religious convictions, and the fact that my elderly minister told me once that he'd only had one divorce in his many many marriages fails give me strength. 


The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

Hang in there TG, I am praying for you all too. I can definitely relate!

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