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Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897
The Nice Memories Thread!


Here we go!

The nice memories thread! Share happy nice memories!


"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

One for me would be walking eastern most end of Bourbon Street in New Orleans. The doors are right off the sidewalk. I was walking looking at some really cool rooftops and balconies, and accidently bumped into some guys walking out. In Milwaukee, in the wrong places, that would just lead to a big fight with the wrong folks, no questions asked. Down there, we all apologized, understood, shook hands and had a nice conversation. I felt very welcomed to the town.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cat Scratch Diva


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A nice memory I have been thinking a lot about lately is the sunrise in Mexico...JD has been trying to get pictures for a week of one there and it reminded me of how beautiful it was.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I remember being 3 yrs old and my folks had this big yellow and big purple pillow in our living room. I remember hanging out on these with my dad watching All Star Wrestling on our black and white tv- Da Crusher vs some schmoe.....I also remember watching Nixon resign on the same tv from the same pillows.

Years later...maybe 1982? our family all bought cross country ski equiptment from this big expo at our state fair grounds and Da Crusher was there and helped us take all this stuff out to the car. nice guy.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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One of my fondest memories is my Dad making his pizza on Saturday night, and me, my mom and my dad sitting in the living room watching the original days of Saturday Night Live.

95% of the humor went right over my head, but Bill Murray and Chevy Chase, John and Danny, all made me laugh just because of how goofy they were.

Every single Saturday my Mom would at some point say "Al, I don't think Jeremy should be watching this", and my Dad, true to his form, would act like he didn't hear her say anything So there'd I'd sit, watching Bill Murrays Lounge Singer, the cone-heads, and all the other great sketches.

Definately one of those moments I'd pay anything to go back to for just a few minutes


Better Than Cheddar

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Nice memories are all around if you think about 1st cat, Muffin who lived from 1983-2000 (R.I.P.).....spending a few summers hangin' at the park pool with absolutely NOTHING to do but hang out, swim, hang out some more.

Memories of good friends and knowing I still have them is a real treasure


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I remember the summer I ran a fort under my parents porch.

Man did we do that thing up right. We put a carpet in (the following summer I'd get my a** chewed out by my dad because it had grown moldy from the snow getting on it then melting and the heat starting).

We had a couple chairs. My friend from across the street had a box of walkie talkies from his dads work, and a central broadcasting type thing, so we put that in the fort and all 10 or 11 of us would "patrol" the neighborhood for Jimmie & Frankie, the neighborhood bullies.

It was really a fun summer.

We had set up this trap with bricks above the opening of the porch, the bricks, about six of them, held a blanket in place that served as a door. We all knew you had to be careful opening it so the bricks wouldn't fall, but we figured if Jimmie or Frankie came busting in they'd get a head full of bricks.

Well, sure enough, one day with about three of us in the fort Frankie came and whipped open the blanket and three or four of the bricks landed straight on the top of his head and he didn't budge (he was a BIG kid). We all high tailed it out the other end of the porch


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I've got an SNL memory too! All the kids used to play tag or kick the can or big wheel demolition derby in the alley. One night my folks INSISTED I come in because the best of SNL was going to be on!! yay!! . I had NO IDEA what that was or WHY they wanted me to be there for that?? 8 pm. BEFORE the street lights were on even....I am guessing it was some sort of disageement between some of the adults on the block (it was the 70s/ maybe one was having one of them marijuana swinger parties?!?! and they wanted me nowhere near that?) so I go, well allright...... I'll go see whatever the heck it is they are soo hyped about for me to see.....(lol they would have been about 2 yrs younger than my age now about then...)

it seemed funny enough.....then MR BILL came on....I thought it was a kiddies thing....till he and spot got run over by mr hand.........I laughed soo hard I started to hyperventillate...breathing into a brown bag to calm down....

but after that, they allowed me and my bro to stay up as late as we wanted to on saturday night to catch snl, second city tv, and if we could make it, Don Kirshners rock show...? pretty cool for such "square" folks....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Yeah I'll say!

And you were younger than I WAS for those shows!

SCTV and Don Kirshner, I loved those too.

Good times SCTV ACTUALLY felt like NBC went off the air and a different network took over. I always felt like I was seeing something no one else was because it was soooooo late and seemed so personal of a show.


Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

lol...those are nice memories guys...I can just see Riggs running out from under the porch to avoid getting his tail kicked. JD, you parents were home watching and not at the neighbors party right?


Better Than Cheddar

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You know, some memories of hard times I think make you a stronger person. To be able to look back and say- I went through this and that and I'm still standin' *like Elton John says* sometimes that makes me feel good.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

oh heck yea! straight laced perry como fans!

riggs I couldn't agree with you more on when SCTV took over. I remember just sittin there stunned like "what exactly is going on here....." a few years later I found out it was sooo Canadian, that it made sense...that's why it was sooo wierd. I remember thinking it was like the muppet show, only with humans....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

I loved how it would start out with the morning shows like SUNRISE SEMESTER, THE FARM REPORT, or Earl Cannonbears DIALING FOR DOLLARS. By the end they were showing a MOVIE. It was like watching a whole day at the station go by in 90 minutes


Better Than Cheddar

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Posts: 1480

I have fond memories of being so excited to see my Grandparents every Saturday. I remember waiting in the window for them. I recall watching tv with them on some Sat. nights- we'd watch the Golden Girls and 227. We'd always go out to eat and to festivals in the summertime. Good times.

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