Does anyone watch Big Brother???? Any picks for who will win tonight? I thinks its a tough one as both players rode coattails all season.....but Erika rode Boogies, so he's my pick!
I love this show!!! I hate that Will got kicked out!!! I TRULY HATE ERIKA!!! I really didn't want Boogie to win but I definitely do not want Erika to win!!!! I think that Janelle or Will Should have won because of their strategies. Will was the best... he had everyone doing his dirty work... he was definitely the puppet master!!!
You sort of knew that Will's game play would eventually catch up to for Janelle...(I hate her) but she's a great player....and looks good in the Playboy pics she did!
I did know that Will's game would catch up to him but I was hoping it wouldn't!! I didn't see Janelle's pictures and really don't care to either. I don't like Janelle either but I do believe that the person that plays the game the best should win. Janelle is Competition Queen and for that she does deserve recognition.
I too believe that Janelle will win it!! If you look at the past america vote items she has won them all!! I do not think America loves her that much!! I believe that CBS is pulling the strings there....
Yeah, I remember that however, I have TIVO and replayed that part so many times just to make sure and Howie was right he did push the button and it never lit up. I believe that it should have been redone.
I also watched it over and over...Boogie also had an issue at one pioiunt that they showed.....if they were going to replay, it should have been from that point forward, not everyone replays....
sgmorrell wrote: I also watched it over and over...Boogie also had an issue at one pioiunt that they showed.....if they were going to replay, it should have been from that point forward, not everyone replays....
But this week my two fav shows...Survivor and Amazing Race begin! Yeah!
It is shorter this summer....
I have never watched Survivor and I saw the Amazing Race 1 season but there are too many other shows that I watch that both of my TIVo's are booked up....