Too much in life to experience yet...plenty of time to feel old! Plus I'm only 32 about to turn 33! Perfect age!
But I felt the twinge of age when course counselling and processing applications for university the age bracket started to appear as born in 1989/1990.
The first time I was called Mr. Morrell by my son's fellow classmates madfe me feel old even thouygh in my mind I'm still 24-25 years old! Then other time was when I moved up to the 40+ age group on surveys, etc.
20 years for my two year degree. I was once told that it can't hurt to go to school. If by chance you receive your degree, awesome. If not, well, think of all the people you met and the stimulation of being in an institute of higher learning. By the way, I feel old when I talk like that! One thing that does freak me out is all the parents of my friends, my parents and in-laws are all at the point in life where they are needing more care. I'm next! (hopefully, in a couple of decades)
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.