I can't help but miss how things used to be at FFR- I feel that so much has changed.....am I the only one who feels this way? I miss all the regulars---I miss that vibe...
I know how ya feel, but I've just been keeping it to myself. Not a whole lot of action going on around here these days. Not saying there aren't efforts being made. Just doesn't seem to be going very far.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Oh and I am only talking about the forum. Right now I am not concerned with the music part. There's a variety of music playing and that's enough for me right now!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
We will get back to normal, just needs time, the request being down and stuff does affect the forum, I know I have been absent quite alot lately, but I'm gonna make the effort to become more active again.
I'm sorry guys. I know it's been a lot less fun around here lately! I've been so wrapped up in so many other things lately that I've not added much at all to the forum
In all honesty our numbers have completely deteriorated, we've fallen so far down the Live365 listings, at night we're broadcasting to single digits now! I guess it's really eaten away at my passion for this thing. But you all have been so loyal to the station, I owe it to you guys to return that favor and get this thing back on track to some degree.
I think the request system being down has had a much bigger impact on the forum that we realized. You all had so much fun with your theme days, and it always sparked so many conversations. That really helped keep the forum hopping.
Tonight I'm going to dedicate my evening to working on the request system. I'm even going to skip the exercising and just work on that. WIth any luck maybe we can have that running again by morning.