This a message I got on myspace from a young new British band called Story One, I have downloaded the album and so far it sounds great, it is completely free and well just read what they wrote...
Please excuse the speculative email, but we saw you were a friend of The Fratellis.
We are fans of them as well, so we hoped you might want to check us out and maybe download our new album from our MySpace page, or from our own website.
Best thing is, our album is free, you dont have to pay for it to own it. Its a gift from us to any music fan who wants it or finds it.
Please download it, play it, keep it, love it, hate it; do what ever you want with it.
If you like, you can send us something you own that you no longer need or want, in return. Well pass your disposable item onto someone else who does want it or can use it.
There have been too many times that all of us in the band have bought an album because its had great reviews and a shed load of marketing money spent on it. After a while it never gets played any more and we feel like maybe weve wasted our time and money on it.
Its a mistake that our modern way of life leads many of us to make in lots of different ways. Weve all bought stuff we dont need, products that in time are worthless to us.
This album is a f**k off to being force-fed product, especially music product.
If you choose to download the album, let us know your thoughts, be they good, bad or indifferent.
If anyone does download the album, they send you an email with a link to each song in it, the links are one time only links, so you must download the track straight away, I opened the first track window and closed it, then when I went back to download it I couldn't because the link had been used... by me!
So just make sure not to close the link window untill it starts the download.