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Post Info TOPIC: Let's Remodel A Bathroom!

Doesn't Do Windows

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Posts: 25589
RE: Let's Remodel A Bathroom!

I'm back to doing things that look like I'm doing something again.

The boy got out of school at 2:00 today so I got the blocking/backing installed for the towel bars, T.P. holder, shower curtain rod, etc.

Oh, by the way, Mrs Web decided to stay with a shower curtain. She was just too nervous about keeping shower doors clean. The ones we liked best were clear glass, but I'm sure they would be tough to keep the spots off and they were $280.00.

I ordered 11 sheets of 8' drywall this afternoon and it got here about 5:15pm. I started hanging drywall and got the ceiling, the outside wall over the tub, and the filler wall in front of the tub covered before supper. I'm home with the boy tomorrow too for fall break, so I should be able to get the rest of it hung. If I have time, I might be able to get the tape coat on and the joints sealed up. We'll just have to see how it goes with my other job and being home alone with a kid.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

hey web, is that going to be an exhaust fan above the shower? obviously a light too in another one (or more of the holes)....what about the rectangle shaped hole?


*the skinnier one, over this way more ------------------------------------------>

-- Edited by JD The Jazz Doctor at 21:53, 2006-10-26

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Yes, the big square one is exhaust fan and light. It has a heater in it too but we didn't even hook that up as it didn't look like it would do much. The box the fan/light came in is now a toy for Lil' A.

The hole you can barely see the edge of is the "light tunnel" skylight. The skinny one (way over ---------> there) is an air duct.

When we bought the house, it had an OLD boiler and hot water heat. The heater by the toilet you saw in the before pictures was part of that system. There was one of those wall units in every room. About our second year here, the boiler cracked and was leaking badly. Since we only had a window air unit in the living room wall, we decided to put in a new forced air furnace and add central A.C.

Our basement is not very deep and installing duct work there would have meant average height people would have had to duck under ducts. We have plenty of room in the attic so we put the furnace in the attic and ran round flex tube ducting all over the attic.

A guy I got to be great friends with in tech school has his own heating/air business so he and I put the whole system in, in a weekend.

And that, my friend, is why the air ducts are in the ceiling. :)


Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

wow, you have done a lot since the last pictures. I bet Mrs Web is getting ready to decorate.


Doesn't Do Windows

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Posts: 25589

She's had accessories and paint color picked out for a year. She came in just as I was finishing up with the last few screws in the ceiling and almost got giddy.


Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

I bet she is excited, what color is her new bathroom going to be?


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

hey ok! I see what's up now! (the furnace!)

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cat Scratch Diva


Status: Offline
Posts: 10068

its nice to have friends with skills


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897


If B=bass guitar

and B=bathroom


then bass guitar = bathroom

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

so was it worth the work so far?


Doesn't Do Windows

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Posts: 25589

I'm thinking this drywall is a nice pretty green color. Maybe we should leave it at that!

I think she's talking about a kind of cream color for the walls with faded red, white, and blue, american accents.

Well, I already got my new bass so I was paid in advance. No immediate benefits though.

Good call JD . . . I just got done practicing by bass. We have nine songs this weekend . . . six during the normal worship service, then at 3:00pm we are having an installation service for our new pastor. I sure hope he came with an install disc, that will make it much easier.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

a wizard!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

The day didn't start out like I thought it would but it turned out ok. I had server issues to deal with this morning and didn't start hanging drywall until about 1:30 but got it all up. It is ready to start taping joints.

I think tomorrow morning, I'll work on getting the pile of lath and plaster that went out the window hauled to the dump. I'm not going to get it all in one load as my pickup is full now. I'll dump it in the morning then come back and get the rest of it. Then I'll start taping and see if I can watch some of the Husker game that starts at 2:30.


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 720

NOW I can tell.  It's a bathroom!!!  You're doing a swell job and moving right along.  I bet if you had fulltime laborers working on it, it wouldn't be going much faster.  And tell Mrs. Web, I like the idea of the muted stars and stripes theme.  I've seen it done before and it's really cute.  I bet she's doing that for you.  If it were just her bathroom, it would be all pink and roses and shabby chic.


Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Thanks, TG.

Yeah, she's in charge of the decorating. It is my job to give her a smooth, clean canvas, then she takes over from there. While she's doing the painting and such, I'll be working on building the vanity and medicine cabinet, and trim.

If it were just hers, I don't think it would be pink and roses, she's not really a "pink gal". It probably wouldn't be much different. She didn't ask me what I wanted or even would like, she just told me what its going to be.

I better get busy and be on my way to the transfer station (dump).


Doesn't Do Windows

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Posts: 25589

More progress.

This morning, I got the load of trash on the pickup dumped, the rest of the trash loaded and that one dumped. It cost $60 to dump all the stuff we pulled out of the room. That didn't include the heavy cast iron tub, the plumber took it to recycle it.

After lunch, I got all the joints taped with the first coat of "mud". There's also a bit of taping to do in the stairway to the basement left over from a past project. I won't be able to work on it at all tomorrow so it works out good so this can fully dry before I get back on it on Monday.

When I do drywall, its best to just leave me alone and not bother me as I'm usually not in a good mood. The dog didn't understand the "leave me alone" part so she got her nose mudded. That'll teach her.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897


the dog is not a bit too pleased with that situation!

For awhile, I helped my uncle do a few projects like this for his home repair business. It really helped me out when I was unemployed. What I completely stunk at was cutting panelling and dry wall to fit the odd angles. I would be there, easily 20 minutes, with a tape measure and a notebook recording the measurments for the cuts. They say measure twice, cut once. I'd measure 6 times and end up cutting 7 times. oh how I beat my head against the wall. houses settle. things are never "even" or "exact".

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cat Scratch Diva


Status: Offline
Posts: 10068

poor puppy...did she do that herself sniffing some place wet or did you do that to her?  


Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Nothing is ever square or plumb in these old houses. One advantage of pastering walls, they didn't have to be square or straight as the plaster didn't care.

The dog: She had one tiny spot on her nose then I was down on my knees working in a corner and she pushed her way in to see what I was doing. I made her spot bigger for her.


The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

Everything looks great! Keep up the good work and good luck tomorrow with all your new songs!


Cat Scratch Diva


Status: Offline
Posts: 10068

poor puppy


Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Yeah, so abused.

When she was a puppy on her first visit to our vet, the vet said "Allie, you have no idea how lucky you are".


Chairwoman Of The Board

Status: Offline
Posts: 720

Hey Web-

How's the remodel going?

PS:  I liked your comment about not putting your faith in men. 


Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Hi TG.

I didn't get much done this last week. I'm still "mudding". I've got two coats on now and plan to do some more today. Once I get that done, we can start painting.

The Husker game is taking priority at the moment.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Web, this is starting to seem like a LOT of work

I think you're wife got off awful easy here. All she had to do was let you BUY a Bass


Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Well, the other option was to do the bathroom and NOT get a new bass. Either way the bathroom was going to happen. The new bass came with a promise from me that once we started, I would keep pushing it through and get it finished asap.

There's still not much to see. Today after the Huskers won their game, I sanded and put another coat on the ceiling, the wall joints, and screw holes. I'm not good enough at putting the mud on to be able to do both the ceiling and wall where they meet in the corner. I have to do one and let that dry, then do the other.

Right now the name of the game is get it as smooooooth as possible. I started with a 6" wide knife, then an 8", and now I'm using a 12" knife to taper the fill.


Cat Scratch Diva


Status: Offline
Posts: 10068

hey web how is the project coming? all done?


Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Not done, but moving along again.

The walls are painted and the tub surround is up.

This weekend, I plan to caulk the surround to the tub and get the vinyl down on the floor. Then, early next week the plumber can come put the faucet on the tub and set the toilet and we'll be back in business.

That will just leave the vanity, medicine cabinet, and trim but I doubt I'll get those done before Christmas with everything else going on.

It will be nice to have a toilet back on the main floor again and not have to take the boy to his grandma's for a bath. Grandma is getting sad though, she's been enjoying having him there every other evening for an hour.

I'll probably take another picture when the floor is down.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

I'm really looking forward to the final picture Web! I bet it's going to be night and day!


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I'm thinkin about building an outhouse out in the courtyard here. we don't need it, but it would be one of them absurd things that one day folks wake up to....holy $#&( what is that? oh its a fully functional outhouse. why not?

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
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