Here-barely. I think I may die today. (Yes guys it's that time) But on the plus side, I give myself kudos for getting up and exercising despite the fact that I feel horrible. My husband has already asked me if I was going to have to go home. I just don't know that yet. I hope not. I don't ever go home for that. Anyways- carry on and have a good day.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
good morning. we're looking forward to 80 today. this is the last day of summer for the tulsa area -- for real this time! i decided that today would be jocky-around-files day, so i dressed down. jeans, t-shirt, converse -- well, there's gonna be a dog and pony show and we weren't informed! i will stay hold up in my cave, i guess.
where is ruby? anyone hear from her? is she okay? the kids okay?
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
For no apparent reason Little A started crying and wanted to go out to the living room at 4:00 this morning. Dang that was the best 4 hours sleep I have ever had.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
isaac used get up in the middle of the night and want to go sleep on the sofa. used to be that he would fall asleep on the sofa and we'd have to carry him to his bed, but then he'd wake up and want back on th sofa. thank goodness he now goes to his bed on his own.
then there was jacob. he was the worst. he had night terrors several times a week from about the age of five until the age of about eleven. he'd be crying and freaking out and his eyes would be open and he'd talk to us, but he wasn't awake. then in the morning he'd have no recolection of what he was dreaming. very wierd and stressfull...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
My sister Erica was hired at a GREAT company for an HR job, which is what she's been going to school for. They called me for a reference (she used to work for me) and I actually managed to say nice things about her
Anyway, we celebrated by going out to the casino and having a nice meal, some drinks and playing some slots. It was a fun night and I won a little cash. It was one of those days were I'd sit at one machine and lose $50 without hitting anything, then I'd sit at another machine and instantly hit $100.
When all was said and done I was up $300, had a belly full of good food, and a few beers in me
I hope you all had a nice night and WILL have a great day. I'm still trying to figure out what's causing the skipping problem on the station for some of you. I noticed it yesterday on the MySpace line too.
If any of you get a chance could you try the myspace line for a bit today and let me know if YOU have the problem on there too?
It's weird, what I've been finding is that when I log on, whether it's Live365 OR Myspace, the first song or two are fine, then after that it starts skipping.
I can't for the life of me figure out how that's possible.
Like Web pointed out, when the song restarts you havne't missed anything, so it would seem to me like the skip has to be on the listeners end, but it makes no sense that so many of us have the same problem