The boy has an Elmo that is about 18" tall that when you push different parts of his body, he says what part it is. He's outgrown it and when we were talking about coming to SD, I was trying to convince him to take it along to give that to lil' A. He wasn't ready to give him up yet. In that, I had told Mrs. Web how much lil' A loved Elmo.
Earlier this week, Mrs Web called me from work and said "Do you want to send a giant Elmo to South Dakota?". One of the ladies there had that big Elmo and wanted him to go to someone who would love him. We kinda though lil' A would show him some love.
I thought like everybody knew that Elmo was RED. OMG that's all they are talking about for this upcoming holiday season, the new Elmo toy.... I swear Riggs has lost touch with current affairs.
And little A's camo pants.. I love them. I want a pair right now!!