Hey everybody. Dropped in for a quickie before I have to head off to a couple of appointments. It's rainy, crappy and cold here. Excellent soup weather.
We've got guys cleaning out the ducts this morning. It's loud, they're blocking the refridgerator so I didn't get my breakfast, and my nose is starting to itch. I can't wait until they're done.
ray925 wrote: Hey everybody. Dropped in for a quickie before I have to head off to a couple of appointments. It's rainy, crappy and cold here. Excellent soup weather.
boy I can tell that Woo isnt here....she would have had a comment about Ray stopping in for a quickie...
Hi all! Sorry to disappoint but not really a good day. We went to the car dealership where we wasted the majority of the day with people b.s.ing us. I almost walked out first then they went in trying to get us the deal we wanted. Let's just say that it did not end well and that the salesperson actually had the audacity to say that WE wasted several hours of HIS time! So I am stuck with the car I have and I guess we will just have to put money into it. We are just aggravated at the moment. He is taking care of the leaves and I am about to tackle the dishes. Don't feel too bad for me. We are really celebrating tomorrow.
Oh and how WAS Ray's quickie?!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Tell you what I'm gonna do, my manager would KILL me if he knew I was doing this but if you take this car RIGHT NOW, at the price shown on the window, I'm gonna send you home with a second set of windshield wipers!
If you tell anyone though I'm gonna have to deny it.
Morning or evening, just getting out of bed, so I can get back in. In bed ALL day. I know I slept from 10 last night until 3 in the afternoon and I am still tired!
Yay, the day is winding down well . . . or at least hopeful.
A few months ago, I tore my old laptop apart and got the motherboard out of it (not and easy task). I've had an Ebay automatic search set up every since for the motherboard part number. I got notice tonight of a new item matching that search. There is a used motherboard that just started with a minimum bid of $100 and a non DOA guarantee. I placed a bid to start it. That would be awesome if I can get that laptop fixed for $150 or so. We'll see how the auction goes. Only 6 days and 17 hours to go!
Tell you what I'm gonna do, my manager would KILL me if he knew I was doing this but if you take this car RIGHT NOW, at the price shown on the window, I'm gonna send you home with a second set of windshield wipers!
If you tell anyone though I'm gonna have to deny it.
Do we got us a deal here or wat?
-- Edited by Jeremy Riggs at 18:41, 2006-10-26
Ok, but I'm not gonna find any washer fluid am I?
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...