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2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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A late night thought

4 AM now and still not asleep The new schedule is messin' with my rhythm

Shot over to for a bit just a while ago. I'd never been there even though I've heard so much about it.

They had the Katie Couric interview with Michael J. Fox on so I watched it.

Anyone who's been here for any length of time has probably heard me talk about how much the TV show "Family Ties" meant to me growing up. I don't think any show brings back warmer memories for me. I wanted to BE Alex P. Keaton and Michael J. Fox was by far my favorite actor during my early teens.

Everything I've ever heard or read about Fox suggests he's a wonderful guy. Very down to earth. Very unaffected by his stardom.

He even married Tracy Pollen, the girl that played one of his serious girlfriends on the show (and my favorite by the way). Their marriage has lasted all this time, through all his troubles. Rare enough in Hollywood, but even rarer when you consider what he's been through.

Even now his attitude is amazing. No self-pity. Very Christopher Reeves like. He seems to feel genuinely blessed for what he's already had in life and thinks that if this is what his purpose is now, to raise awareness of Parkinsons disease then so be it, whatever the outcome.

I had started to lose a little respect for him recently though, over his stand on stem cell research. Not so much because he's for embryonic stem cell research and I'm generally against it, after all we're all entitled to our views and reasonable people can disagree.

But rather, because I felt he was using his celebrity for a selfish cause and because politically he's backed some candidates that are pretty questionable ethically (including our own corrupt Governer Jim Doyle here in Wisconsin) based seeming solely on the fact that they are in favor of stem cell research. That seems incredibly selfish and short-sighted to me.

But after watching him on the Katie Couric show. Shaking uncontrollably. Still staying strong and taking the high road even when answering questions about the comment Rush Limbaugh made this week, I have to admit I'm impressed.

I hope that if faced with a serious illness in my life I can meet it with the courage and dignity that this guy has met Parkinsons with. I don't think he's selfish at all. I think he's truly of the opinion that he has a resonsibility to help the millions of people with diseases similar to his that don't have the opportunity to be heard in the public arena the way he can.

The entire stem cell issue is a very complicated one and I've never known exactly where I stand on it. But it's one of those issues where I find myself hoping I lose and wind up in the minority.

I'm still going to vote against that crooked bas*ard Jim Doyle on November 7'th. But when the time comes to mark the ballot Michael J. Fox is going to be on my mind, and on this one issue I will feel some regret over choosing against helping him. If Doyle should somehow manage to pay off enough unions and bring in enough homeless people to swing the vote his way I guess atleast I'll be able to take a little comfort in the fact that Michael J. Fox will have a reason to be happy that day.


Chairwoman Of The Board

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4AM?  I should have gotten on line.  We could have chatted.  I'm still having dreams of the hubby and other woman every night.  It just TICKS me off and keeps me awake.  Anyway...  I know we are on very similar political views so I wanted to add my two cents.

I also LOVE Michael J. Fox.  My high school boyfriend was a spitting image of Alex P. Keaton, then when Back to the Future came, I was confirmed a Michael J. Fox fan forever. 

Next to VH1's Behind the Music, E's True Hollywood Story is a close 2nd for my favorite TV watching.  Michael J. Fox's was on recently and it really did cement my opinions that MJF is worthy of our admiration.  His marriage to Tracy, his dedication to his kids, the fact that you don't see his mug shot or face on the cover of the Enquirer with strange women attest to that.  (Tracy gets points too in my opinion.  He married a gem!!

This disease of his is horrible.  And Rush is a JERK for mimicing him.  But... we ALL know and have known that Rush is a blowhard, pompous, politically incorrect jerk.  This guy's gotten busted for problems, been married HOW many times now, and is not someone I would ever admire.  However... as much as I detest his personality, I DO think he has the politics of America figured out.  

MJF admitted on the E THS that he went off his meds when he went before the Congress asking for stem cell funds.  I KNOW he SAID he was on meds for the commercial, but I do have doubts....  Regardless, I'm not going to hold it against MJF.  People DO need to see how horrible the disease is, and they won't know if they don't see the effects.

Lastly, I hope everybody realizes that the Republicans are NOT saying NO to ALL stem cell research.  They are saying NO to GOVERNMENT FUNDING of NEW STEMS being researched.  Private funding is still legal.  If this is such a promising research, why aren't there venture capitalists out there willing to put their money into the research and development of a cure?

If I'm not mistaken, this issue is blending in with the issue of abortion.  Again, Republicans are not opposed to ALL abortions.  They are primarily opposed to late-term abortions and GOVERNMENT FUNDED abortions.  If stem cells are gotten from aborted fetuses, many feel that that would justify an abortion. 


Grand Poobah


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Yep, Rush Limbau is a moron. a stinkin pill poppin moron.

I don't like Jim Doyle either, but think of all the problems he inhereted from when Tommy Thomson broke the state. For shame!!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Hey T-Gal, thanks for the reply. You touched on a lot of areas I overlooked in the wee areas of the night.

Sorry to hear you're having such bad dreams and trouble sleeping. If I were in your position I'm sure I'd have the exact same problem. My imagination has a tendency to be too vivid for my own good sometimes.

I didn't really get into the whole embryonic/adult stem cell research issue or the government vs. private funding issue either because I was tired and on a roll But it doesn't matter what we say, people here what they want to hear.

I've heard Bush himself explain those things in detail and yet he's still painted in broad strokes as "against stem cell research".

One other thing I REALLY liked about Fox on Couric was that near the end of the interview he said something along the lines of "If someone has prayed on it, and thought about it, and come to the conclusion that stem cell research is immoral and is therefore against it I can completely respect that and accept that, all I ask is that if the majority thinks it through and decides it's something they feel is worth pursuing then those people respect THAT as well"


Permanent Vacation

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I'm biased on the issue of stem cell research. I get to see the kids whose lives are saved by stem cell transplants.




Smiles everyone, smiles!

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i don't stay up on current events like i should, so maybe my opinion is not an informed opinion...

i think stem cell research is good.  government involvement, bad.  it just seems like anything our government touches turns to crap.  private funding could make things happen and in a more timely manner. 

You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
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