A funny little article grabbed from The Boston Globe. A little Q&A from the artists behind the We Love The 80s Tour: These '80s hitmakers still offering two tickets to paradise / By Geoff Edgers, Globe Staff. We asked the tour's stars to help us go behind the music.
Patty Smyth -
Biggest jerk: Daryl Hall. We toured with him for a month and he never said anything to us. Then you see the guy 20 years later and he's still complaining about the fact he couldn't go grocery shopping in the '80s. What a joke.
Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth?: I could see David Lee Roth was a bit of a pain. And I think Eddie [Van Halen] was upset because he had to do cover songs all the time. I just think David Lee Roth was a cooler kind of guy on stage.
Groupies: If you're a guy, all you had to do was drive a truck for a band and you got [action]. It was just disgusting. So I would bring my girlfriends on the road with me so there was another chick there who wasn't a [floozy].
Favorite album (not your own): "Fresh," Sly and the Family Stone. That changed the whole sound of music. It's very unfair to ask what your favorite record is. If you asked me when I was 11, my favorite was Led Zeppelin II.
Eddie Money -
Biggest jerk: Elvis Costello. He's a [expletive expletive]. [Expletive] is in the [Rock and Roll] Hall of Fame and I'm not. Also this guy [Don] Barnes, the singer in 38 Special. For some strange reason his wife said I was hitting on her. I would never hit on somebody's old lady.
Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth? David Lee Roth. You know, he's had a lot of troubles and an ego bigger than a [expletive] house. I also feel sorry for the guy. Maybe I like David Lee Roth because he reminds me of myself.
Groupies: You know what, there's always a lot of good-looking women who come to the shows. I've got my weight down. But I've got a beautiful wife and I'm pretty monogamous. Cheating on my wife would be like doing cocaine.
Favorite album (not your own): "Then Play On," Fleetwood Mac. Peter Green was such a great guitar player and the band was just smoking. I like anything that Fleetwood Mac did before they got the chicks in the band.
Rick Springfield -
Biggest jerk: No one's ever treated me bad. I met DJs who have tried to be Howard Stern wanna be's but I don't know their names.
Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth? Sammy's a friend. I've always loved his voice. And I've never liked David's voice but I always thought he was a great foil for Eddie's playing. But I don't think he could have made those records that Sammy made.
Groupies: I probably would still be a virgin if I had't gotten into music. Playing in a band was a big aphrodisiac.
Favorite album (not your own): "Revolver," the Beatles. I remember the first time I heard ``Eleanor Rigby" on the radio. I was in my brother's room and I hated high school and this song came on and I just stood there and I was just floored.
Mike Reno -
Biggest jerk: We were doing a show together and I was just sitting in the van and Paul Rodgers came up to me and said, ``Hey mate, get out of this van, it's mine." I said, ``I'm just sitting here watching the show." He said, ``Not anymore you're not."
Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth? If you're talking about for Van Halen, it's David Lee Roth. He was Diamond Dave. If you're talking about as a person, it's Sammy. Sammy's just a great guy.
Groupies: I've got one groupie who comes to every show we do within a 1,000-mile radius and she actually takes pictures. She also stepped up to bat when we were trying to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. She phoned in and bought my red leather pants for two grand.
Favorite album (not your own): "Rides Again," James Gang. I had my little ``shaggin' wagon" van that I bought, all carpeted and stereo speakers and curtains. It was a '65 Ford Econoline. It was all about just having a girlfriend and `Funk 49' on your 8-track, baby."
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson