I think they are going to drive me crazy today though! It's Monday and they have people outside busting up blacktop or something. Thump! Thump! Thump! ERRRRRRRR!
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 07:31, 2006-10-30
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Morning all! I think I overdid it this weekend. I worked my butt off on halloween stuff on Saturday, then yesterday we helped friends build a breezeway. I got stuck with the task of sanding, and even though I was wearing a mask, I think I breathed in too much of it. With that and the ducts being cleaned out last week, now I can't stop sneezing and I think I'm getting a sinus infection. Yay.
But, I got plenty of sleep last night, and the sun is shining, and it's supposed to get to 71 today! So I don't think today's going to be too bad.
Morning all. I made it! But I only worked one and a half days last week, so I must pay this week!
Looking forward to trick or treating tomorrow though. Had a blast at the fair with E, but of course one bad comment from the hubby on the way home and the mood was ruined- sorry JD too upset to check in last night.
Anyway, will be 80 here today. Welcome home Thump, good luck to your friend at his interview. Hope you feel better MZ.