I did have the fear of public speaking for a long long time. I did poorly in speech class. I explored it a bit, and realize that it was due to me not really believeing in what I was saying. It was humilating to have to right a speech on say, the benefits of toothpaste, and that was embarrassing. My knees would shake. it was bad. I was fine if I could sit down.
But now out in the real world its different. If I need to be informing clients or potential clients of processess, the way things are done, I feel that they really need this information, and I know enough about it to really effectively deliver the info. I know the questions they will ask before they ask them, and thats a confidence builder.
I read a really good book too on public speaking by Charles Osgood. It was a really short book, and I forget what exactly it said, but I remember getting that "ok, I get it. of course...eurika!" feeling and new I'd be ok from there on out.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09