Actually, I'm up early for me for a Saturday. But I had an allergic reaction last night (I still haven't figured out what set it off), so I ended up going to bed early and sleeping a solid 10 hours. I didn't even get up to go to the bathroom! I'm feeling better now, just a benedryl hangover.
I'm trying to decide what I want to do today. I usually go to Farmer's Market, but I think it's over now. And even if it isn't, the places I usually buy from said they wouldn't be there anymore. And it's 33 degrees outside. The Tai Chi class I had been taking is over. I've thought about taking another one on Thursdays and Saturdays, but then that would mean I'd consistantly have to wake up on Saturdays. Then later today, the Y is having an anniversary celebration I could go to. Or maybe I'll go before or after and just work out. There's also Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D in Indy we could go see. Plus, many chores to do. So I'm undecided...
Good morning all, hi Mz. I am off to Benny's today to see if they have that TV that was in the flyer on sale. But they usually have like 2 of everything on sale so if you get there after the first few hours of the sale all the items are gone.
Then I have to bartend a wedding reception at 3:00 today..... I will think of Riggs at the wedding reception, I'll listen to all the drunken promises all the people make standing at my bar. and I'll remember how he did the same thing a few weeks ago, and got stuck doing all kinds of "drunken" favors.... LOL
I am drinking coffee and getting ready to go get E! She made it! I need to go buy her a winter coat, it is cold today and try to find the older girl some bedding- we got a bigger bed when my parents moved, but it is sitting in the garage, cause I have no emsemble!