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Post Info TOPIC: Customer of the Day

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960
Customer of the Day

People... they are just so darned interesting.  Today I actually met a lady Kevin had told me about last week.  She's a whole case study in wackadoo.  An asian lady, I'd probably put her in her mid 50's.  She came in one day last week wanting her oil changed and something else looked at on her vehicle.  She followed Kevin out into the shop, bummed a cigarette from him, and then asked if he was the manager. He informed her that he is the owner.  She says, "Oh! You owner! You must be rich. I'm single. We should date."  He said (verified by the other guys), "Umm... thanks, but I'm married and I'm not rich. My wife has all the money and I like it that way." He told me all about it that day. The guys and I were razzing him pretty hard about his "new woman".

She came back in today. Problem with her alternator.  Takes one look at me, gives me 'the face' and tells me she wants to speak with the owner because she talked to him before. I knew right away who she was... so I smiled, stuck out my hand and said, 'Well, you spoke to one of the owners before. I'm Mrs. Owner, the other owner. You spoke to my husband."  I got the weak hand shake and, "Oh. You Mrs. Owner. I see." So I told her to wait and I'd go get Kevin.  Meanwhile, Bryan... our lube tech had already spotted her and went to tell Kevin that she was here, then he went to hide in the bathroom. John, the other tech, just said "Uh-oh." and went on working on the car he was involved with.  I walked up to Kevin and Chris and announced, "Kevin, your girlfriend is here." Chris...who had no idea of what was going on... was trying to sort out if he should hit his dad or something...then just looked puzzled when I started laughing.  Kev went to talk to her, which just prompted her to go out to the shop and hover around while the guys were looking at her vehicle.  All she would say to me is "You got lots of hair. Where you get all that hair?"  Me, "Umm... it grew there, so pretty much the standard method of hair growth."

I still don't know what all went on while she was out in the shop,but Chris told me before she left that she was working his nerves and I think he said she goosed him.  Eventually, Kevin handed me her ticket and said "no charge. I want her to leave." I said ok... so Chris backed her car out of the bay... with her in the back seat.  His comment upon walking back into the office was "Yeah, so I went ahead and installed a pipe bomb in her car. No charge for that."

Nut job!!


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

sounds like a desperate woman- no wonder she's single!

-- Edited by Ruby at 16:09, 2006-11-04


Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

I think she's more of a gold digging psycho... She might have more luck if she was a little more subtile about things.  "You rich? Me single!" Probably doesn't do it for most guys.

I have to admit I take a small amount of evil pleasure in watching Kevin squirm.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent State of Confusion

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Posts: 27006

She wouldn't be approaching the day of the undead? I thought it was an early november event.


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

Is she a possibilty if he was single?

Yeah I found out after she left that the hubby's company's last secretary- Farrah used to hit on him big time. But she was hot- so I have been told- fake boobs and all. But he is very commited to me- dang!


Permanent State of Confusion

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Posts: 27006

Sorry, the "she wouldn't" was part of a convesation I was having elsewhere. I was wondering where that text went. I wanted to say shouldn't we be....


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

confuzzed wrote:

She wouldn't be approaching the day of the undead? I thought it was an early november event.

Yep... Undead day is tomorrow as a matter of fact. YAY! I love Undead day.

No, Psycho chick would not be considered 'hot'.  She looks like a nut job. I can't even explain what's going on with her make-up. At this point I don't put anything past Kevin, but he seems genuinely frightened of the woman. Bryan is a big, burly sort of guy and he was hiding from her in the bathroom.  John was totally evading. Chris wanted to talk to her to figure out what's up with her and by time she left he was wishing her harm.

I'm none too concerned about him stepping out on me with this chick.  If he does, he definitely deserves whatever demise he meets. 


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

Oh goody... it gets better. Psycho Joyce just called back. She took her car to the local Toyota dealer to try to trade it in. They offered her $2500 which she doesn't feel is enough... despite the dents, scratches, failing alternator, etc.  I don't even think the driver's side door opens. So, she's going to bring it back to us on Monday to get an estimate for the repairs. I guess that gives Kevin something to look forward to.

I couldn't resist asking him if he's excited to know she is coming back. He kind of winced and said "Not hardly." I laughed and offered to proceed with the divorce so he could hook himself up with her. He thanked me for the offer but declined. He said he wouldn't live long if he did that... probably would die by his own hand. Hehehehe... I don't know why I enjoy ripping him like that, but I do.



That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

Ruby wrote:

Is she a possibilty if he was single?

Yeah I found out after she left that the hubby's company's last secretary- Farrah used to hit on him big time. But she was hot- so I have been told- fake boobs and all. But he is very commited to me- dang!

a) with a name like Farrah, I guess you'd better be hot
b) fake boobs - not hot

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Good Witch Of The South


Status: Offline
Posts: 19309

Probably hotter than than no boobs


80's Rock Chick

Status: Offline
Posts: 8789

Ruby wrote:

Probably hotter than than no boobs

Literally no boobs, like double mastectomy?

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Good Witch Of The South


Status: Offline
Posts: 19309

Well that would be a nice excuse (well not really, but at least a reason!) but I just never hit puberty! I graduated college with a 4.0 and I guess that is my trade off! Let me bump a picture for you of myself!


80's Rock Chick

Status: Offline
Posts: 8789

Ruby wrote:

Well that would be a nice excuse (well not really, but at least a reason!) but I just never hit puberty! I graduated college with a 4.0 and I guess that is my trade off! Let me bump a picture for you of myself!

Nah... There's no saying little ones can't be nice ones. (Can you say "Charleze Theron" ?)

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Good Witch Of The South


Status: Offline
Posts: 19309

I think it makes me look thinner and clothes fit good always! And I always have people looking me in the eye when we speak! And it never seemed to keep me from getting guys!


80's Rock Chick

Status: Offline
Posts: 8789

Ruby wrote:

I think it makes me look thinner and clothes fit good always! And I always have people looking me in the eye when we speak! And it never seemed to keep me from getting guys!

And I somehow get the feeling it never stopped Charleze from getting guys either.
So there ya go!!

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Bad Biker Granny

Status: Offline
Posts: 20960

I have lots of guy friends and what I have learned from them is there is a fetish for everything. Some guys like 'em big, some guys like 'em small, some guys don't care about 'em at all cuz they are too busy looking at other body parts.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
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