We ended up going to see Nightmare Before Christmas 3D last night. It was pretty cool. Unfortunately, I had a headache from another allergic reaction (there's got to be corn in Kroger's white grape juice even though it's not listed), but it was pretty mild since I was watching out for it. I still got to enjoy the movie, and I think the drive up did me and hubby a bit of good.
Today is chores and maybe working a little bit more on the dress. I need to head out to Joann Fabrics at some point, so I think I may get myself a bubble tea while I'm out. (I'm addicted!)
Morning, need to get ready to go to my dad's. My brother will get to see E for the first time! The kids just want to go swimming and I will take a break from cooking!
ANOTHER night of not falling asleep until after 5 am.
I never thought this new shift would mess with my sleep pattern so much Now I almost think I better stay up until 5 AM tonight since the next day I HAVE TO stay up that late because I'll be back at work
Maybe next weekend I can work on regulating my sleep again
I think the dead will be undead by the end of the night as its bombfire night over here! the bangs from the fireworks get louder every year as well. not even my 6.1 sound system can drown it out! i might light a sparkler later though. Ha Ha
Well today was not a happy undead day The kids did have fun swimming and the food and company was good. They found two more boxes of photos when they moved some more stuff. I got to grab some more photos. They found a postcard from me to my parents the first year I was at camp- it read:
Dear Mom and Dad
Please don't ever make me come to camp again.
I HATE it!
I also found the reading I did during my first sommunion. I read in front of close to 500 people! At the bottom it said remember laud and slow!
But my bad day was the Bears, but on the good side, deja vue. Maybe this is our repeat f 1985! I'll take this loss then!