Does that mean that all of Dave's threads and posts are gone from here, or are they still there. ?? Becauz I would find the things he left about me here to show some of you what he said, since some of you don't recall.
They're there Darlene, but it's probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.
I KNOW how mean he could be.
We deleted two of his meanest comments (which played a large part in why he decided he wanted to leave us I'm sure).
I think the thing that bothered me most, was that he always seemed to attack the women I can't recall him being nasty to one of the guys even once. He made a snarky comment to me once, but it wasn't anything near the level of the venom he showed you or Woo or Ruby or some of the other women on our forum.
Jeremy Riggs wrote: I think the thing that bothered me most, was that he always seemed to attack the women I can't recall him being nasty to one of the guys even once. He made a snarky comment to me once, but it wasn't anything near the level of the venom he showed you or Woo or Ruby or some of the other women on our forum.