Good morning. I'll go ahead and kick the Sunday thread off today.
I'm getting ready to take off for praise team practice at church. It looks to be a nice day today in the low 50's. Mrs Web says we're going to rake leaves this afternoon . . . that should be a blast. Looks like no nap today.
Morning all- today my church turns 300 years old, so that is our plan for today. Might sneak in some more shopping- I did finally buy winter coats- winter is coming I think, but I need to get E some black boots too.
well today I am not as motivated,but I am trying to pick up the computer desk. It gets messy so fast! Oh and I am trying to print off some return labels. The tricky part is that I removed the program I used to use because it took too much space and was a pain to work with. So now I am trying to see what else I have that will do this. Have a good day all!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Good Mornoon, Little A and I just had an omlet and she also had a leftover pig in a blanket. It's 48 here and sunny, we might get ambitious and run into town today.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
My hubby is almost home. He got no deer of his own, but we got a deer given to him because 2 of the guys he hunts with are from out of state and can't take the deer with them. So yeah I got venison! But boo that he got skunked this year.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"