Thought you'd all want to know it gets cold here too, although when I lived up north (Philly) we'd have killed for the 50's......
ORLANDO, Fla. - Central Floridians awoke on Tuesday to a blast of cold air just in time for Thanksgiving. Because of the windy conditions, the National Weather Service issued a wind chill advisory effective until 9 a.m., WESH 2 News reported.
A strong low-pressure system off the Georgia coast funneled the cold air into Florida, and the cold air, combined with surface winds of 10 to 15 mph, produced wind-chill readings in the lower to mid-30s, forecasters said.
People venturing outside during the early morning hours should dress warmly and layer clothing, officials said.
The Lynx bus station in downtown Orlando was busy before Tuesday's sunrise, and many riders said they were taking the cooldown in stride.
"I enjoy the change of weather, the coolness, it's kind of nice, a change of pace," an early morning bus rider said.
"I left the house at 4:20. It's freezing. I need a leather heavy jacket," another bus rider said.
WESH 2 Weather Plus meteorologist Tony Mainolfi said temperatures will warm slightly with high temperatures reaching the upper 50s.
oklahoma has it's four seasons (summer is a little longer than i like), but i would not want to live in new england (sorry darlene) during the winter. from what i see on the tv, not for me. we get our two or three measureable snowfalls a year along with few ice storms, and that is PLENTY!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)