I've stickied this thread so we have one place to say how our streams are working.
For the next 24 hours please update me as much as possible on how your streams are going.
There will ALWAYS be an occassional skip, that's just the nature of internet radio, but I would say one per hour would be the MOST you should expect unless there are storms affecting your local providers.
just skipped during Billy Ocean. I'm not sure I will be around to notice the next skip to be able to tell if it's just a regular skip or the problem one. There was a 2nd one during the same song
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 16:01, 2006-11-29
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 16:03, 2006-11-29
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Hey JR, its still pausing on average about 2 to 3 times a track!also when it pauses everything pauses eg the FFR website as well, evan happened as i was typing this. dont think its at my end as i tried other stations on live 365 to compare and no pauses their to speak off. what seems strange though is no pauses at all when JD's has his underground 80s show! is his show set up differant? will keep checking.
OK this might sound weird but I decided to take the challenge seriously. Right now I've got the stream running through Mont's PC on speakers. It's been skipping on average of every 3-5 songs. It's 11:45 Mountain time. Before that it was running on my PC, which is on the same modem but through a router and a headset. Does not seem to be much different, every 3-5 songs. This is still much better then before though, the skips were much longer and more frequent. Whatever you did seems to be helping for me. It could be the number of users too, I'm online pretty late.
Also...there seems to be much longer skips when there's country music playing
PS- I just noticed that I can't tell if the penguin on the front page is male or female! Long hair...are those breasts?! I can't tell!
Thanks for the update Kas, we're gonna try running the broadcast off of a different computer tonight. That might mean no-requests, but on the plus side it will also mean no country
If you get a chance please let me know how THAT sounds, I'm leaning more and more toward thinking it's either a computer issue, or like you said, an internet traffic issue.
I was reading something about possible causes for the problem, and they said that with Cable it's possible other people in my area are draining the resources and creating problems for me uploading the data. However, I did a bunch of ping tests and had no packet losses, so I don't know if that's the issue either.
I have been monitoring the station for 24 hours now on FOUR different computers.
Three of them have been PERFECT, not a single skip, one of them was great for about 90 minutes and then it got horrible.
I'm just at a loss, I have no idea how this can be a problem on our end, yet I know from many of you that it is because you've tried other stations on Live365 and not experienced the problems.
Later today, when the audience is smaller, I'm going to reset the server at Live365, that hasn't been done in a long time, maybe that could be it?
If that doesn't work I'm going to try broadcasting for a while from a different computer. We'd have no request list, but if there is no skipping from that computer at least I'd know it's the broadcast computer that has the problemm.
PLEASE keep updating me on your experiences, even if you feel like you're just being repetitive