I love commercials. They are 30 second forms of entertainment. Unfortunately, there's a lot of bad ones out there. But there's a few good ones too. So, what are some of your favorite commercials?
(Keep in mind, I only have PBS, so most of mine will be PBS related or radio commercials.)
I heard a commercial on the radio this morning that I thought some people here would like. It starts out with a familiar guitar. Then the Dad says, "Okay everyone, open your Christmas presents!"
You hear ripping paper and the Mom says, "Snow tires?" Then you recognize where you've heard the guitar before when you hear the lyric: You can't always get what you want...
Then you hear more ripping paper and the son, "War and Peace?" You can't always get what you want...
Then you hear more ripping paper, and the daughter, "Wool socks?" You can't always get what you want...
And then of course they open Mom's gifts of Simon Mall gift cards over some more lyrics immediately followed by: You get what you need!
Another one of my favorite commercials was for a bank (I don't remember which one now).
Female teller, "Hello sir, how may I help you?" Customer, "I have a question. Do you have lighthouses?" Teller, "Oh, you must mean our free checking where you get your checks free. We have a whole catalog of free checks to choose from." [rambling about how good their checking is] Customer, "What about Teddy Bears?" Teller, "Yes, there's teddy bears, plus no charge for...[more bank commercial type rambling]" Customer interrupts, "Kitty cats. What about kitty cats?" Teller sighs, "Calico or tabby?"
And of course, you can't forget beer commercials. One of my favorite ones was when one of the beers (Miller maybe?) was doing the commercials where they merged two tv shows.
A manly type man is sitting on the couch next to a woman with a little dog. The man changes the channel to drag racing. The woman whines, "But we want to watch the dog show!" The man responds, "We can do both!" and puts the beer on the tv. The announcer on tv shouts, "Sunday, sunday sunday! The weiner dog nationals!" Then you see two weiner dogs do burn outs and run down the track.
One of my current favs is a Cingular one I think. Where this guy is calling his girlfriend saying something about being the only man in her world when the call drops out and he gets no response. He starts questioning her to no avail. "Is it Earl?" "Cat got your tongue?" "Earl got your tongue?" The guy's expression just kills me and I crack up every time!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I usually like Dairy Queen commercials too. The commercial for I think "The Flamethrower Burger" cracks me up. After the guy eats the food, then every time he opens his mouth fire shoots out. I guess the best part is the girlish screams he lets out. Then there is the airplane one where the guy keeps eating another passengers Blizzard as he is trying to put his bag over head. As soon as he notices he begins yelling and drops the bag on another passenger. Then he resumes back to storing it and it happens again. I just laugh when the bag falls on the people.
I heard the other day that Apple is pulling the commercials where they have the two guys . . . "PC" and "Mac". After doing some research, they found out that "Mac people" really love the commercials but "PC people" don't. Hard core Mac people are typically known for being snooty zealots about how much "better" their computers are.
The report said that people liked "PC guy" and that he seems cute, kind, and friendly. The Mac guy comes off as a jerk. As one guys put it, "Yes, I wear a suit I crunch numbers, and I don't think that is such a bad thing".
Apple realized that if your goal was to sell Mac computers to PC owners, maybe making fun of PC owners is not the best way to do that.
Hi guys, we were only talking about this in work the other day! dont know if these were the same in the US but in work and for me the 80s adverts were the best! Eg "you cant beat the feelin" - Coca Cola. "anytime any place any were thats Martini" thats the one with the girl on the rollerblades! also love the Coca Cola advert for Christmas were the Coca Cola trucks are drivin through the town and the song is playing " the holidays are comin the holidays are comin"
I like the commercials that say "Looking for a new job, call _____". (Ad agents, didn't totally do the job, cause I can't remember the name of the company.) Anyway, it's the ones with all the coworkers as monkeys. My absolute favorite of those commercials though is the one where the guy is giving a presentation to the monkeys and all the monkeys have the red laser pointers, and are aiming the dots at the guys bathing suit area (I'm assuming my cybersitter won't let me spell c(R)otch) and they're all laughing hysterically. I'm like Woo. Makes me laugh out loud EVERYtime I see it.
I love that one too, TG... even better was the one where that same guy in the office full of monkeys was talking on the phone to the woman in the office full of donkeys.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I also like the one, I think it's for Sprint because I think Mema or Pambo mentioned it before, with the 3 guys in the office doing nothing but dancing to a boombox. Then another guy comes in, acting like they're slacking off, and asks them all these questions (I can't remember the questions exactly, something like "where's so and so"), the guys easy answer the questions using their Sprint technology and then go back to dancing.
Yep! It was actually under the Nextel brand, but that was one of ours! HEHEHEHE.... I think it is one of the better ones we as a company ever put out. And yes... office dance breaks are still a tradition with us.
The other good one we had was the "theft deterrent" feature where the one guy throws his phone at the other guy in the locker room.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I woke up thinking about this one for some reason this morning: The new Garmin Christmas commericals. I really like the one where the guy is driving around all night while the carolers are singing "Hey, there's a moose. Give me a noose. Where's highway 10? I'm lost again. Look at the wreath! He has no teeth (weird vagrant who ends up riding in the car)..."
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
WebGuy wrote: I heard the other day that Apple is pulling the commercials where they have the two guys . . . "PC" and "Mac". After doing some research, they found out that "Mac people" really love the commercials but "PC people" don't. Hard core Mac people are typically known for being snooty zealots about how much "better" their computers are.
The report said that people liked "PC guy" and that he seems cute, kind, and friendly. The Mac guy comes off as a jerk. As one guys put it, "Yes, I wear a suit I crunch numbers, and I don't think that is such a bad thing".
Apple realized that if your goal was to sell Mac computers to PC owners, maybe making fun of PC owners is not the best way to do that.
I hope not. I love those commercials & really look forward to the new ones. Very clever and besides, the Mac guy is cute. I think he'll have a career past this...
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
One of my favorite and most memmorable is a holiday commercial for the Sanka coffee brand. It's the one where the guy comes back home from out of town and suprises his parents and family- to find freshly brewed coffee awaiting him...and the cutest baby says "Santa Claus" in the most adorable way...